D&D: Female Human Paladin
From Create Your Own Story
As a paladin, you have sworn to uphold the values of the light. You strive to uphold order and bring aid to whomever is in need. You've grown up on stories of the valiant paladins of legend and have trained to be one your entire life. Today you have finished your training and are ready to begin your own grand adventure. While still naive and untested, You are excited to make something of yourself and spread the embrace of the light. To make this happen you'll have to start somewhere. You could wander around the city looking for those in need. Waterdeep is a massive city and is bound to have some chaos that has gone unchecked. You also consider leaving and setting out to see the world. You've been in Waterdeep for some time now and this new opportunity has you excited at the possibilities the world can offer you.
Do you: