Look at the texts

From Create Your Own Story

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You quickly open up the texts app. You still wanted to have a nice breakfast, so you weren't planning to spend long looking at these texts. That means no answers to existential questions or reading vents.

You see a small wall of texts from your friend Barry. They all ask for you to delete the picture above. Out of curiosity you scroll up...

Barry is a bit on the thicker side of your friends. He is a little taller than you, and significantly wider than you, but not so much that he is fat. Rather, he is kinda "pudgy." He is from Irish descent, which any onlooker could guess based on his pale white skin, piercing freckles and orange hair. Barry tries to be a dominant force when around his friends, but he is a born bottom. Despite this, you feel that he is straight, at least in some sense. You two are pretty comfortable with each other while in the friend zone, but whenever it gets too stressful between the two of you, he claims to "need to do homework."

...to see Barry, with his tongue out, his soft chest exposed, and his long 8 inch cock dangling out. His hand is grasping the hilt of his member, as if mid stroke. Near its head pre-cum leaks out. You disobey his orders almost immediately and save the picture. No way you are gonna let that gem be lost to the world of cyberspace forever. You text him that you deleted the picture and understood his mistake. You comfort and calm him down, much to his relief.

You make your way downstairs from your room. Expecting to see if Ken, your roommate, was awake, he was nowhere in sight. He was probably at school doing some makeup work, or earning community service.

Ken was a smaller boy, definitely not fitting into the crowd of jocks that plagued the school. He had curly blond hair, that he refused to brush, making him look adorably rebellious. His thin hips and small ribcage, in addition to his lack of muscle or fat made him a solid ectomorph. Ken enjoyed sports just as much as the next boy, but also had a secret passion for trombone, something that he tried to keep a secret from his peers, to preserve his "masculinity." When word got out his social image didn't change one bit.

You met Ken in middle school, where you two bonded over music. While you haven't had any romantic or sexual experiences together, you sure wouldn't be against it.

You make your way to the sink to see a bowl and a spoon in it. While Ken may be a sweet heart and super cute, he wasn't great at cleaning up after himself. You go and wash his bowl and spoon, before making a delicious breakfast yourself: Brie melted on a long piece of baguette topped with a caramelized banana, served with freshly pressed Raspberry juice. After making, eating and cleaning up after your culinary masterpiece, you checked the time.

It was 7:25, just 5 minutes before you had to be at school. You quickly rapped up your cooking and:

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