Turn away and sulk towards the room by the front door.

From Create Your Own Story

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You give up trying to get the medium-sized room, and go to the front room by the front door.

When you get there you notice that it isn't as small as it appeared to be, although the draft is a bit of a problem. You tend to be quite hot-natured, so being cold isn't the best. That being said, you decide to be the bigger person and try to be positive about the room.

You begin unpacking your things into the dresser, careful to put things away carefully. You take special care to hide the lube in a toe of a shoe under your bed. It isn't that you thought you'd be having sex with anyone at this reunion, but your horny mind wouldn't let you not be prepared by not having it. It made you feel slutty, like you were planning for sex, although you were fairly certain you weren't going to have it.

You check your reflection in the mirror, brushing some hair out of your face and flashing a smile before walking out of the room. You pull the door shut and turn around to run right into your dad. His stocky frame almost knocks you down as he hits you. He's carrying grocery bags, and upon impact, one drops from his hands causing oranges to roll all over the entryway floor.

"Hey! Watch it!" you dad yells, barely missing a beat and continuing to the kitchen. You reach down, pick up the fruit, and bring the bag into the kitchen.

You help your dad and brother unload the rest of the items from the truck, and then you're free to do whatever you like.

Your dad plans to take a shower. Your brother is planning to go by the old meetup by the boat dock to see if any of the cousins are there yet. However, you aren't quite sure what you want to do yet. You could stick around the cabin for a bit, go with your brother (if he'll let you), or strike out on your own.

What do you do?

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