You take his hands

From Create Your Own Story

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You don’t waste any time. Before the child has even has the slightest opportunity to strike, you instinctively levitate your lightsaber through the Force, the hum of your weapon contrasting sharply with the opposing blue. This boy - this Luke - holds his weapon with both of his hands, raised up high as if he were planning a rage-induced execution. You smile underneath your mask as you see a blinding red light shoot past from your waist and swing to the boy.

“And I’m going to kill you!”

You chuckle with glee as you take in that dumb look of anger. So consumed by his hatred that he had no sense of his surroundings, no idea of the hurling blade that would soon change the rest of his precious young life. You wait for the sound - the sound of lightsaber cutting through flesh - and feel a breeze of relief as your lightsaber swept underneath Luke’s wrists, hooking them, angling upward only to slice around.

The blue saber of old is instantly deactivated, two freshly severed hands grasping it with firmness.

The boy screamed as he stood there, shock setting in more than pain. You look at him and wonder what to do next with him.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Vader
A New Hope

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