Call the daddies phone number now

From Create Your Own Story

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You sit on a park bench not far from the toilets and call the number on your phone. It starts ringing and you are overcome with a nervous feeling and suddenly think what the hell are you going to say. Just as the thought of hanging up crosses your mind a voice on the other side answers ‘Hello... who is this?’ The voice asks, you can hear he has a thick Italian accent already

‘ummm.. err.. hi. I have seen your number.. On well a toilet wall’ ‘

oh! So you are looking for some fun are you? What age are you?’ He asks

‘...18’ you reply

‘ fantastic! You want some of my big long Italian sausage boy ? You want to fuck and fuck my daddy dick ?’

You reply with a ‘yes!’

‘Why don’t you come over to my place and me and you can have some fun ?’ The voice on the phone suggests

Do you :

agree to meet the man at his place

tell him to meet you at your place

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