Go to the beach bar

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:45, 10 February 2018 by Ohkl555 (Talk | contribs)

You walk along to the beach bar. It’s a small shack type bar that is selling beer and cold soft drinks and a few snacks there re a few stools at the bar and a couple of small tables close to the bar, there is an old aged married couple at one table both of them must be in their 70’s.

You grab a bar stool and take a seat and have a look at what drinks are available.

As you are looking the bar man approaches you. He is my tall black man with an Amazing smile, perfect teeth and dark soulful eyes. His hair is long dark dreads tied back behind his neck. He is wearing a loose fitting vest that shows off his muscles on his arms and shoulders. The vest has a name badge pinned on to it reading ‘ Tony’ on it

‘Hello my friend, what can I get for you?’ He asks

‘just A water please’

‘One water for you, no problem’ he replies

He gets you your water and u pay for it. And sit at the bar and sip it. The bar offers you some much needed shade form the sun.

‘ some weather today my friend’ he says making small talk

‘Yeah amazing day for the beach , shame u are working and can’t enjoy it ‘ You reply

‘It's not too bad I am only working for, another hour and then I get to enjoy some sunshine too, maybe make sure surfing when I finish or maybe go down to the more natural side of the beach for a bit’ he says with a wink and a flash of his amazing smile.

Do you

Sit at the bar for a while


go back to sunbathe

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