MaleOrismer- To Solitude

From Create Your Own Story

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Setting off towards Solitude, you take a horse and ride across the lands of Eastmarch and the Pale, before arriving at the port of Dawnstar. From there, you hire a boat that would take you along the Sea of Ghosts and into the mouth of the River Karth. The trip was largely uneventful, many of the Bandits that prey the roads avoiding an Orc such as yourself. Before long, the boat docks at the port of Solitude, being dwarfed by the numerous trading ships and a large ship unknown to you named the Katariah.

Stepping foot on the wharf, you head past the East Empire warehouse as well as the various farms and mills, before climbing the steep hill to reach the foot of the Solitude gates. It seems that you just missed something, as you open the gates, as many of Solitude's citizens are all walking away from a raised platform in the middle of town. Unfortunately, the crowd is too big for you to see past, so you decide to look around for the Legion headquarters instead. Castle Dour is directly ahead of you, its gray towers adorned with the red wolf of Solitude and the black dragon of the Empire, even from here you can hear the clash of steel on steel.

However, you could look around the city for a while longer... To the left of you is a large three-story building, what you assume to be a tavern of sorts, known as the winking nymph; the sign hanging outside displaying the image of a bare-chested woman looking as seductive as a wooden carving can do. There is also a range of shops to visit in the capital, as well as other monuments and statues. Though the crowd had largely drawn away, it might be a good idea to see what had caused such a gathering when you had walked through the gates.

Where do you go?

Health 150 Equipment:

Steel Armor, Steel Gauntlets, Steel Boots, Steel Warhammer,

MP 100
Level 1
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