Youth Pastor - Maggie wants to go to your house now

From Create Your Own Story

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"Let's just go to your place" Maggie says in a playful whine. "It's too late to go anywhere and your house is right there"

"Don't you need to get your things?" You ask

"It can wait till tomorrow there isn't anything I need" she starts tugging at your arm let's just go to your place"

"Ok" you say, and you lock up the hall and walk with Maggie to your house.

As you enter your house Maggie begins to giggle "we have at least a month together this is going to be so much fun" she whiffs her shirt "I do need to wash my clothes, is it ok if I throw these in so I have something to wear tomorrow?" See looks at you playfully

You smile "sure let me show you were it it" you guide to your laundry room "I have some long shirts and sweats and things to chmage into I'll leave you for some privacy"

After a few minutes Maggie comes out she's wearing:

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