Youth Pastor - a teen walks in

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:46, 23 January 2018 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)

As you bring yourself to climax the door opens, a chubby blonde teenage girl walks in, a spurt of cum springs from your cock. The girl blushes, not expecting to see this when she walked into your office "oh my sir, I'm so sorry I'd I didn't mean to disturb you" the teen says as you put your cock back in your pants. "I just wanted to speak with you before the meeting" she notices the pictures on your desk "oh my I see you like taking pictures?"

She doesn't seem to be a risk so you figure to try to play it cool until you feel you need to act, this may be an easy acquisition. "Yes it's a hobby of mine"

The girl flips through the photos you had out "she seems photogenic, and skinny" you see a sense of shame and arousal mixed in her remarks and posture. She reaches in the box and looks at the different sets she notices one set of a girl with the same body type as her own "so you also take pictures of fat girls like me" poor girl seems like she needs a bit of a boost in her self esteem.

"What's your name?" You figure you should probably get her name if you want to make a connection with her.

"It's Maggie" she says.

You respond "well Maggie, I appreciate young ladies of all sizes, and one thing if your breasts stick out more then your belly your not fat" she blushes at this remark

"Would you like to take my picture?" She asks hopefully.

"I would love to, but some other time" you say remembering you have the meeting you need to get ready.

She looks slightly dejected "oh no I get it you don't need to be polite it's fine I won't bother you"

"Oh no you see the meeting is pretty close and you see it is my job. I would love to take your picture sometime. You are coming to the meeting aren't you?"

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