Youth Pastor - Wendy humiliates Greg

From Create Your Own Story

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Greg responds his voice cracking "what do you mean might not enjoy?"

Wendy giggle "well I've seen your browser little brother I know you're not completely ignorant when it comes to sex and things like that"

Greg gasps "oh my god you went through my computer"

"Oh don't act all shocked, or high and mighty Greg, you wouldn't want mom and dad to find out what you've looking at would you?" Wendy says playing with his genitals.

"No please don't do that" Greg pleads

Wendy changes her grip on Greg's genitals firmly grabbing his testicules and starts to squeeze "well what would you be willing to do?"

"Ow easy, anything ok I'll do anything" Greg says pleading while he is struggling you notice Greg is still erect in fact it looks like he's getting harder.

"Anything?" Wendy says with a devilish grin.

"Yes just please

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