Cute Smutty Yuri Fluff/Stop midway, afraid of getting caught

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You've been at it for about two hours, with your still fingers stroking your soaking wet pussy lips. You're getting a little loud. You stop midway, not wanting anyone to hear. 'That would be social suicide.' you remind yourself. Still feeling a little aroused you decide to sleep it off.

You hear knocking coming from the closet. A cold chill runs down your spine. Was that just your imagination? You approach the door, your hands shaking. Getting out of bed, you slowly and cautiously approach the door afraid of what might jump out... Reaching out slowly to the handle and turn it. It doesn't open. Banging comes from the closet again. This time, you're sure you aren't imagining things.




The key for the closet falls from on top of it onto the floor near your feet. You pick up the key, it's cold in your shaking hands, leaning up, you slowly unlock it and step back. Just in case it's some sort of animal. The door opens. You can see the silhouette of a female figure. The strange woman practically jumps on top of you, pulling you onto the floor and into a crushing hug.

"You freed meeeeee!" she calls happily.

"W-what the hell is going on?!" you cry out. She picks you up on the floor still hugging and gleefully starts spinning around with you in her grasp, lifting your feet away from the safety of the ground. Even with your desperate efforts to squirm away and escape, doing this only manages to make her grip tighter. She slows down to a stop. Her face close to yours. You now can get a good look at her features. She has red lipstick on her full lips, complimenting dark skin, red-brown eyes and her long orange-red hair that has been tied up into two pigtails reaching down past her shoulders.

"Oooooh~ I was trapped in that dreadful dark closet for so long. I fell into it! It was AWFUL!" She places her finger against your lip. "But, you saved me!"

"L-lemme go!" on command, she releases you quicker then you can react, as you fall on the floor with a thud, "Ow!" She realises that she might have been a little too rough with dropping you. Even with you still crumpled up on the floor, she bends down and extends her hand to you, "You alright there?" you take her hand, it's really warm as if she's been warming it up in front of a campfire. Even with her assistance in pulling you up, your legs shaking from the shock of the situation. It's difficult to stand.

"Don't worry, you're completely fiiiiiiiine" she gives you a large slap on the back, knocking the wind out of you. Pain explodes from where she hit you. You wheeze in and out. "Can't... breathe..."

She notices that what she was doing was a bit too much. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" she pulls you into yet another hug. You rest your head on her shoulder. Her warm hands start to run through your hair... It's surprisingly calming. She breaks the hug, keeping her left hand on your left wrist.

"I must say, I got really lucky with such a cute girl saving me. You must be Zoelle, my roommate, right?"

"I am Zoelle and I guess you're my roommate." This does explain how she got into your room.

She smiles mischievously, "So is my hero going to give me a kiss?" she purrs.

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