Bat the shower head away with your foot

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:57, 30 November 2017 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You can't believe this! You've never even masturbated before, but it feels like some force is trying to force you to. That's absurd... it's just a coincidence. Without even your arms free to stop this situation, you lift a foot, trying to kick the shower head away, while ignoring that raising one legs makes the water stream hit you in an even more pleasurable angle. You kick the shower head and it bobs about, but returned to the same position. You hit it again, this time a little harder. It springs back and forth, ricocheting between your knee, the wall of the shower, and your pussy, before finally stopping in its resting place again. Angry, you kick it as hard as you can. You inadvertently turn the nozzle, changing the stream to a focused spray hitting you right on the clit.

You yelp, feeling the pleasure take an intense step up. Your leg goes weak and lowers as a throb begins to pound in your womanhood. You hate how good this feels! You realize, with horror, that you are about to have your first orgasm ever. You resist, trying to stop it, but the waves of pleasure finally start to wash over you. You can feel your lower lips convulsing, strings of ecstasy shooting up through your body, and your muscles tense. You push forward, squishing your boobs against the tiles and a moment later you feel something coming to the surface. Your nipples release a spray of milk during your moment of bursting pleasure. Because you are pressed against the walls, the milk sprays upward, coating your face.

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