Try to hail a taxicab.

From Create Your Own Story

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You've seen on the news of sadistic men that pick up hitchhikers and dismember them in cold blood. Not wanting to risk getting murdered and left in a ditch in pieces, you figure the safer bet would be to hail a taxicab.

After about 15 minutes had passed, a checker-patterned car with the familiar logo appeared on the horizon down the road. You squinted your hazel eyes to confirm that it wasn't already occupied. Lucky! You threw both arms up in the air and frantically waved in a desperate effort to draw the cab driver's attention, forgetting for a brief moment that your bare shoulders and cleavage are still somewhat exposed. The driver seem to have noticed you as the cab slowed and slid over to the side of the road.

"Where are you headed, lady?" The brown-skinned driver, in his mid-30s and sporting a thick, dark mustache, rolled down his window and hollered impatiently with an accent as you sprinted over.

"I need a ride home." With both arms now covering your chest, you leaned over and panted. He studies you carefully up and down with dark, beady eyes, pausing his gaze momentarily at your covered chest, and then glanced side to side to see torn hanging fabric.

"What happened to your clothes, lady?" He inquired with a cautious tone. "I am looking for no trouble."

Tell him what happened and ask him to call the police.

Lie and tell him it was an accident.

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