Turn down the hall and look for another way out.

From Create Your Own Story

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You might be able to get by if you were up against only one security guard, but two guys of this size is probably too much to handle. You decide the best strategy is to avoid them altogether. You cranked a sharp left and sprinted down the hallway

"Hey! Hey!" The two men called out after you. You ignored them and made another quick right, then another left. Hopefully this zigzag running pattern can help you confuse the pursuers and lose them. Just then you come face to face with a bare wall. You've hit a dead end.

"Uh oh." You quickly glanced around as you gasped for air. You saw a door on your right side labeled "Bathroom" and another door on the left that seems to be the emergency exit staircase.

Hide in the bathroom.

Take the emergency exit stairs.

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