Play strip poker

From Create Your Own Story

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"Hey kiddo have you ever heard of something called strip poker?" You say grinning

"No" she giggles "but it sounds like fun, teach me?" She says excited.

"Ok you know how in regular poker works right?" She nods at you "well ok it's like that but we bet articles of clothes so if you lose you take an item off"

She blushes "ooh that sounds naughty...but fun" she giggles "let's play strip poker" she's blushes some more but seems really eager to play.

strip poker, you beat her (was there any doubt she was any match for your prowess)

strip poker, you seem about even ( huh seems she's better than you thought but it's not too bad your about even)

strip poker, she beats you (how the hell did that happen))

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