Better clean her up

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:10, 30 October 2017 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)
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You begin to take your shirt off now completely naked in front of her, your soft penis gently swaying, recovering. "that white stuff is called ejaculate, most refer to it as cum, or something else" you wipe her chin off with the clean shirt then wipe her hands and your cock to try to remove as much excess cum and lube as possible. "When a penis gets very happy like it was and it gets the right attention like you did it squirts the cum out, understand?"

"Oh its like a prize for doing it right" she grins hoping that she did get it.

You smile "yeah that's close enough" smirking, thinking to yourself how much more fun life would be if all girls thought of being cummed on as a prize and were as happy to be convered in baby gravy.

You smile looking at her well covered, by her training bra, chest and pants cum spurts all over "Well that's about as much as I can get with my shirt. We are both such a mess we need to get our clothes and ourselves cleaned off. Why don't you show me the laundry room."

Grace guides you back toward the kitchen area and she opens a door just to the side of the garage door and turns on the light. It's a standard laundry room enough space for both of you to enter and move around freely. You think to yourself this is a pretty nice set up if the laundry room is this big.

There sits a really nice top of the line washer and dryer set.

You motion to Grace "ok kiddo time to take all your clothes off we don't want them to stain"

She blushes a bit "im not a small child please do not call me a kid I'm a big girl especially after I just helped you"

You feel bad you unintentionally hurt Grace's feelings "im sorry, you are a very big girl I didn't mean to imply you were a small child I only meant it as a fun nickname"

Grace smiles wide " oh ok you can call me that then if that's the case"

You motion to her that she's still dressed "we better get those in the wash don't you think?" You ask playfully as you throw your clothes in the washer.

"Oh yeah I guess I don't want this to stain" she removes her training bra, its the kind that pulls on like a shirt, as she lifts it up her breast lightly bounce. You thought that judging by the training bra and its modesty she had just breast buds maybe an a cup but Grace appeared to be a b cup. While not large they were still larger than you expected. She blushes a bit as she notices you looking at her now naked breasts, she tosses the training bra in "I know my breast are large enough to wear a normal bra but daddy insists I'm not ready for that yet, but I wonder if he's just not ready to see me grow up" she smiles through her blushing and takes her pants off throwing them in the washer too. She stands naked except for a pair of light pastel blue panties.

You point "shouldn't we wash everything" she looks down and notices her panties are slightly damp, her face gets even redder and she turn around, her back to you and she slides them off.

"Oh my they are wet" she blushes as she feels them to find the source "oh they seem to be wetter on the inside, did I pee?" She seems worried she did a bad thing.

What do you do:

assure her it's not pee (no need to stigmatize the girl let her know it's ok)

lie tell her it's pee (you can "punish" her if she thinks she did wrong and that can be a lot of fun)

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