Have a smooth ride(IE/WF 32)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:31, 1 October 2017 by Blackadder38 (Talk | contribs)

After some initial issues you finally get the hang of the balance and the ride goes smoothly and you don't stop until mid afternoon where you buy some food from a roadside stand and you sit and eat a picnic table. You can't help but notice everyone around you is speaking Spanish.

"Does everyone speak Spanish here?"

"Sure we are in Mexico."

"When did we cross the border?"

"About one hour ago."

"But I don't have a visa or anything."

"Relax I go back and forth all the time."

"What if I get caught?"

"You're in no danger unless we are crossing the border, the patrols have their hands full with border runners a lone biker's not worth the effort."

"Are you sure?"

"As long as you're with me you'll get back across."

Some what reassured you finish your food before getting back on the road and drive until about nine in the evening when you pull up at a sleazy motel.

"I'll go book us in, wait here."

You wait for Snake to return shivering by the motorcycle. When he returns he climbs on board and parks it up at the end room before climbing off and opening the end door which he indicates for you to go inside. You enter the room and find it's as bad as you expected small and dirty.

"I hope your room looks better than this."

"This is my room."

"Oh, that's a relief am I next door?"

"No need for two rooms the bed's big enough for both of us."

"I'll go and book myself a room." You turn and find him he stood leaning against the door. "Could you move and let me out?"

He shakes his head no before taking off his jacket and throwing it on the chair.

"Your here to warm my bed and drain my balls, now get naked."

"No I won't do it."

He steps across the room quickly and grabs you and despite your struggles and your screams he as soon stripped you naked and thrown you on the bed.

"Scream all you like a'int no one going to hear you, the old guy who owns this place is deaf and as you saw in the parking lot we're the only ones here."

"I have money I'll pay you!"

He says nothing just removes his boots and jeans leaving him naked his cock looks too large to be real.

"Now you know why they call me Snake, and it's going to be shooting its venom inside you all night." The look of horror on your face makes him smile and he climbs onto the bed holding his cock against your face. "This is my cock, one of Mexico's finest, your job is to make it happy if you don't want the job that's fine with me, I'll sell your ass to a biker gang or a whorehouse and find someone else to make it happy."

The situation you are in couldn't be more dire, illegally across the border in a sleazy motel with a naked biker threatening to sell you, how could you have been so stupid.

Do you?

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