Follow him(IE/WF 32)

From Create Your Own Story

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Reluctantly you get in your car and set off after him, true to his word he keeps it slow not getting much faster than twenty miles a hour. After about thirty minutes of driving he turns on to a dirt road and travels along it for another thirty minutes before you see a large store surrounded by motorcycles in various states of repair. You pull up behind the biker and watch as another Hispanic man ambles out of the store and shouts.

"Hola Snake."

After which they break into a rapid conversation in Spanish which even if you understood you doubt you would be able to follow. The conversation pauses and the new man gets down to look under your car before the conversation continues at the same break neck speed. The conversation ends when Snake finally comes over to you.

"He says he can fix it, but it will take about two to three days and cost about eighteen hundred bucks."

"It's really going to take that long and be that much?"

He starts another conversation with the guy before turning back to you.

"He says he can get a used driveshaft, that will knock it down to seven hundred, but it will take about three times as long."

"Can you ask him if there's any where to stay around here."

Again they talk before Snake answers.

"He says he as a small room you could use."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, I usually bed down over there by the lake if I'm waiting, I'd like to stay and help but I got a three day biker festival to get to and two days on the road before I get there."

"Wait can't you drop me at a motel and pick me up on the way back."

"I'm not coming back this way, not for at least a month but if you tag along with me to the festival I bring you back here afterwards the car should be about ready and if not I'll hang on so it doesn't try to cheat you."

Do you?

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