Revive him by screwing him awake

From Create Your Own Story

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You stroke his cock until it's hard, while fingering your pussy. When he's ready, you move him to the center of the bed and lower your dripping box onto his pole.

You bounce up and down quickly and steadily, bringing yourself to climax. He's still out cold. You brace your hands against his chest and keep moving your hips, bringing yourself to a second orgasm, and then a third.

As you scream in pleasure, his eyes flicker open. You keep grinding on him and bouncing on his stiff pecker.


"Lie still, slave. I'm far from done."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you for making love to me."

You know he won't cum for a while, but he's staying nicely hard within you. You grind and fuck him for a good hour longer before you finally climb off, sated for the moment.

"That felt wonderful, Mistress."

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