Josh bluff wmn locker rm

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You don’t react fast enough and thus find yourself face-to-face with a startled Victoria Tuore.

“I thought it was just a stereotype that jocks are dumb… and I certainly wasn’t expecting to have to teach first-grade ‘girl/boy’ biology this year,” she says, regaining her composure. “What are you doing in here?”

“Sorry, Ms. Tuore, the uh, the men’s showers are all full, and there was no one in here, so I just thought I’d pop in here,” you stammer. “I can leave if you’d like.”

“No, no that’s understandable…You’re Josh, correct? Chelsea’s son?” she says, looking you up and down. You nod and suddenly become aware of the fact that she’s still in her volleyball bikini. Her figure is well-defined lean muscle, and her bikini bottom is so tight and low that her mound raises it to create a bridge. You look up, but you can already feel yourself getting hard, something you’re sure she’ll notice.

“Well Josh, I’ve had a rather long day, so I’m going to take a shower,” she says as she walks past you. “You do what you’d like,” she says, giving you ambiguous look before setting her clothes down and disappearing into the shower room.

You are:
Josh, age 18
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