Wait till school ends so you can show off your nude body and your ID to your friends

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You’re giddy with excitement. Before, the only worry you had was that you wouldn’t get to do everything you would want to do naked. There were only so many hours in the day, and there would be even less if the cops ever got involved. But now, because of this wonderful little ID card, you can go nude wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want. And nobody can do anything to stop you!

You can’t wait to see what your friends will think when they see the new you. Or perhaps you should say the nude you? Whatever the case is, just thinking about their reactions takes over any other plans you might have had. You decide to hurry home to relax for a few hours before going to meet them. Now that you’re a registered nudist, there’s no need to hit every place in town in one day. You can take things at your own pace.

The hours pass by as you lounge around your home. Of course, you don’t bother to put anything on. You vowed that you would remain naked all day long and you won't turn back on it now that you have no reason to. When the clock strikes 2:30, you decide enough time has passed. You send a text message to your girlfriends, Natalie, Mindy, and Irene, telling them to come meet you at your favorite after-school get-together spot, the Riverun Café.

You take a leisurely stroll there, naked save for a purse that carries all your essentials: your smartphone, some money, and most important of all, your nudist ID card. You take a seat at one of the outdoor tables, to wait. People all around you stare in complete surprise. You pretend to not notice them while you wait for your friends. But inwardly, it just makes you feel even more excited.

Sure enough, they show up together. Irene is a short blonde with a cute flat chest, Natalie is a tall brunette with long hair extending down the length of her back and with a bust nearly as large as yours, and Mindy stands between them with a jet black pageboy cut. All three of them are talking and laughing about nothing in particular, until they finally catch sight of you. Their jaws all collectively drop.

“What the…?” says Irene.

“Sh-Shannon? Is that you?” asks Natalie. Mindy just stares in shocked silence.

"Come on over," you say as you beckon them to you. "You know I don't bite. Unless you want me to."

Wordlessly, they all take their seats around you. "Wh-what are you doing?" says Irene once she sits down.

"What I've always wanted to do," you say. "What I should have done a long time ago," you add, running a hand down the length of your body, over the slope of your breast, and down your thigh. You just can't help it; being so naked in front of people, in your best friends in the whole wide world, is just mind-boggling.

Mindy, her eyes never leaving your form, finally says: “Why are you naked?”

You tell them. You always had a fantasy about spending an entire day in the buff and you decided that today would be that day. You skipped school just so you could hit as many places in town and have as many people as possible see you naked. And it's been even better than you could have imagined.

“But what if you get arrested?” says Irene.

“That’s the beautiful part,” you say, reaching into your purse to pull out your nudist ID card. “Turns out there’s a way to be nude 100% legally.”

You pass the card around to your friends. “This can’t be real,” they say.

“I didn’t think it was real either,” you say. “But then I met these two wonderful ladies who explained the whole thing to me. They had both been naked for nine years. And me and another woman, a cop, signed up at the same time!”

“Nine years naked?!” said Mindy. “I couldn’t possibly picture anyone going naked for a straight week , let alone nine years.”

“Well, you better start picturing it,” you say, straightening up in such a way that thrusts your gorgeous breasts in the air. “Because in light of this, I think I’ll be extending the time I live out my fantasy. Get used to the sight of these babies, girls, ‘cause they’re going to be out all week long!”

“Oh, and, then you’ll be getting dressed again?” says Irene in a somewhat hopeful tone. Throughout the conversation, she seems to be looking everywhere except at your form, but her eyes always inevitably return to you, especially your breasts.

“I didn’t say that,” you reply coyly. "Maybe I’ll put clothes on when I feel like it, but until then…I’m staying naked for as long as I like!”

“Do your parents know?” asked Natalie.

“Not yet. But they will. They’ll have to. Because I’m a nudist now. I’m not getting dressed for their benefit or anyone else’s.”

What do you do now?

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