Get back to work while you wait for her to sober up

From Create Your Own Story

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Leaving Annabelle to sober up on the couch, you go back to your office and get back to work, keeping yourself busy with filing. About fifteen minutes later, the phone rings. It's one of the company's clients. She's demanding to speak to a nurse right away.

Hoping this won't cause a major fuck-up, you go to get her. "Ana, come on," you say. "Get up. You're needed on the phone."

Unfortunately, it is a major fuck-up. Annabelle is still too drunk to do her job properly. The client angrily calls the big boss. He shows up about thirty minutes later and angrily fires both you and Annabelle.

As the two of you, newly unemployed, stand in the parking lot, you look over at the pretty brown-skinned nurse. "I'm sorry about this."

"Don't apologize," she says, the firing having sobered her up quickly. "I was your supervisor. It was my responsibility. Anyway, I'll be all right. I'll find another job quickly. Nurses are always in demand. But what about you?"

"Maybe this was a blessing in disguise," you say. "This was a minimum wage position. I can do better than that."

Although it takes four months, you finally find a new job where you are paid more than one and a half times as much as you used to make. You call Annabelle, who you have remained friendly with, to tell her the good news. "That's great, Paul," she says. "Now we both have new jobs. Think positive and remember, the wind's at your back."

When the start date rolls around, you head to your first day at your new job. Things go well and when it's time for your break, you head outside, enjoying the fresh air, cool breeze, and sound of birds chirping. Although you are still a virgin, you have a feeling that you're on the right track to losing it. You remember Annabelle's words.

"The wind's at your back."


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