Hot and Horny/Jess Josh race Lake

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"A race? Where to Jess?" he says. "How about to that beach over there?" you say, pointing to a small beach at the other side of the lake. Josh ruefully regards it for a moment. "Isn't that kinda far?" "What you afraid you're gonna get tired? I guess they don't train footballers like they used to," you sneer. Josh frowns and says "Fine. I'll show you sis. What's the prize?" You bite your lip and think for a moment. "How about the loser has to do...say...three things for the winner. Anything the winner wants," you add. "Deal," Josh says. "Good! In that case then...readysetgo!," you shriek as you dive into the water and start madly swimming towards the other shore. You hear Josh curse behind you as he struggles to catch up.

You have a head start, and are a better swimmer, but Josh compensates through raw power. He starts to close the gap between you, but you feel if you gave a final burst of energy you could win.

You are:
Jessica, age 21
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