Coming Out: Go to Sleep

From Create Your Own Story

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The two of you sleep soundly throughout the night, you being spooned by Max. It was comfortable in a way that you could never describe. Everything felt so good and natural after a shitty evening that night, you never wanted to let go of it. You always wanted this - to be one with someone. To feel them inside you. Throughout the night, you could feel Max against your ass.

But you didn't wake up the way you expected.

The two of you woke up to the sound of a camera shuttering - you open your eye and spy one of Maxwell's jock friends, Adam, taking a picture of the two of you in bed together. "Payback time, Max," he laughed as he kicked him in the leg playfully. You are still a little unaware of what was going on but you turn and face Max, whose eyes were staring at you as if they were facing a ghost.

"And nice tighty-whities, Luke. This will be on FaceBook in three, two, one.."

"Adam, what the hell are you doing here? It's Saturday morning."

"Chris never heard from you last night, so she gave me her key to come in and make sure that you were all right." Adam was also Chris's older brother. You didn't like him much but you never minded him, really, as he usually just toyed with Max and not you. That was different this morning.

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