Make Valeria a sacrifice now

From Create Your Own Story

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You call for a cult member to pick you up. Valeria’s powerless body is put in the trunk of the car to avoid suspicion. You drive to the cults headquarters which is located in the richer part of town.

Something you definitely notice about putting a bunch of Satanists in a mansion (and the mansion being their headquarters) is all the shagging taking place. Since the Satanists embrace the mortal sins (unlike the rest of the world) there is no problem exercising your lust in public places. You often see people walking around naked, having sex or even raping someone in the headquarters because the cult sees those things as perfectly natural. Any form of sexual intercourse is accepted by the cult, even the ones where one of the participant isn’t in on it, like Valeria for example. This place has become a home to you, a place were equal-minded people hang out and you feel sad every time you leave.

As you enter the mansion you step into a great hall. Often the Hall is used as a meeting place for gatherings. There is also a small balcony on the wall which connects to your leader Vladimir's bedroom. A door man approaches you, a muscular fellow named Marcus.

"Well well, what have we here? The first sacrifice victim I presume? What’s your name little princess?"

The only vague response Valeria can offer is “cum, cock, eat”

Marcus and you share a good laugh at Valeria's newfound charm. “Well well you sure know how to pick em, don’t you Sharon” his compliment makes you blush.

"Well then, Sharon, Valeria is supposed to be held in captivity here until the ceremony where she can give her life to our master Satan. One down two to go right?" You flirt with Marcus for a while, letting Valeria stand there naked and soaked in men's fluids. But all good things must end so Marcus grabs Valeria and leads her to the mansions dungeons for storing until the ceremony.

You turn around and get ready to leave headquarters, what will happen?

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