D&D: FHC: A superior immedietly interrupt the fight

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Over the fight, you hear some scream and several acolytes suddenly break the circle and break you and Cynthiana apart. You trash around and so does Cynthiana before you realise who stopped the fight. Overlord Valrek.

Cynthiana gets a hint when she suddenly see you calm down and see the man responsible for stopping the fight.

"Well well. I believe we are the enforcer of order and here is a flagrant demonstration of anarchic fight right here in our beloved barrack.

You go to speak :"Lord Valrek... she st-

You don't get to finish your sentence. You see Valrek's face twist in anger:"SILENCE!, you two are a disgrace of our order to make such a petty excuse of a fight. If you have a square to settle do it in the arena where it belongs !"

You fall silent. Cynthiana goes to say something but he swift backhand her, cutting her sentence short, she looks at him with a stunned expression.

"Take them to my office. I will deal with them appropriately." he says and wave you off.

You struggle to free yourself from the men grasping your limb :"I can walk on my own." you drop as one goes to get more aggressive. You stretch yourself and obediently follows your "escort" up the stairs into the higher chambers.

Another group escort cynthiana in the same direction as you.

You are led in the higher apartement. These large and elaborate rooms serves as personal quarters for the highest of officers. You are led through a door and guided in a large room that has both a study, an antechamber and a lounge as well as a trophy set-up. Two other doors are further up. You figure one must lead to the overlord's personal chamber. The other door must be a servants room. The two group escorting you and cynthiana guide you to the lounge and get you to sit on the couch. You sigh. You feel cynthiana's glare on you. "This is your fault..." she says.

"shut up." is your only answer.

A young girl with short black hair comes in. She is dressed in the white gown all servants of the temple wear. The church makes extensive use of these slaves for all menial labors. You've also heard of the less respecteable thing that some members of the church have the servant perform. It does gets boring to pray all day sometime.

Valrek come to is office half-an hour later. He comes in. you and cynthiana both drop your stare to respectfully greet him. He ignores you as he passes by and gets to his office, grabbing a few papers before looking towards the two of you.

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