Cut your way out of the stomach and try to find its womb

From Create Your Own Story

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You've come too far to simply end up shat out by some shark. Though you've lost your genitals, you still have your tongue tentacle and some reserves of stem cells. Quickly, you hatch a plan.

You climb toward the back of the stomach and using your sharp teeth you cut a hole in the walls of the shark's stomach. You don't want to kill the shark, so you make it only large enough for your torso to squeeze through. You squish and squeeze through the hole and soon find yourself in the body of the shark, surrounded by muscle and organs. The shark's womb is close by, thankfully. As you leave the stomach, you yank out one of the coed's intact legs (still attached to what is left of her pelvis) and take it with you - you'll need the genetic material.

You cut a similarly sized hole in the womb and squeeze your way inside. Success! The warm amniotic fluid is much more pleasant than the stinging stomach acid. You haul in the piece of the coed and take stock of the situation.

The shark is pregnant! Though you are mad at the shark for slicing your body in half, you think of your own wonderful babies and feel happy that the shark is a mother too.

OK, so plan is proceeding well. Your next step is to flood the womb with as many stem cells as you can squeeze out of your body and reconstitute yourself as best as possible. You've got a fair amount of DNA to play with here - human female, human-octopus hybrid, and shark - so if this works you've got a couple of different possible outcomes. Which one seems most likely?

Health Horny and Hormonal, fully transformed hermaphrodite octopus creature (though your genitals are now being eaten by small feeder fish), bisected in half at the waist and rapidly losing strength and blood Location:

Open Water

MP 0
Level 1
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