The Master of the Wild Hunt.

From Create Your Own Story

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Well Mr... uh Ms... uh, I don't think you've got a gender... yet...

Anyway! A little background.

Faeries (yes, it's spelt like that) are scary little fuckers. They kidnap kids and replace them with changelings, force human women to be their brides, hide down by the waters edge and eat people, kill people and dip hats in their blood...

They're not nice.

There's two main factions:

  • The Seelie, who are jolly pranksters.
  • The Unseelie, who are meglomaniacl, spiteful terrorists.

You're high-ranking in the Unseelie. You lead the Wild Hunt, a collection of (mainly) Unseelie faeries (but Seelie and mortals get sucked into the action and given your powers from time to time too) who use dimensional portals to hunt down and kill those who cross the Lords of Unseelie, those who annoy you (see 1, above) and those in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your only weaknesses are iron and salt, which banish you, and running water, which you can't cross. You use poisoned arrows and ride flying demon stallions with hellhounds at their heels.

One last question. What sort of universe is this?

You are: The Master of the Wild Hunt
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