Call someone over?

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide there's no good reason to go out hunting for men when, you can easily summon them here with your charms. Rummaging through your purse a bit, before locating your phone, you quickly sort out the unworthy. You don't want to be too hasty so you go over your options.

There's your high school crush, Todd who managed to retain his athletic figure over the years. He's kind of an idiot, but you don't need him for his brain. The problem here is that he got married to a porn star that's a bit........ unstable. Getting him over shouldn't be a problem, but if she shows up this could be a long day.

Then you have Kevin, that works in a movie ticket booth. He's thin, and kind of frail, but still very functional as a play thing. You blew him once to get into the movies, which you rationalized because you were drunk. His size is acceptable and, if you remember correctly, your friend Karen once told you he'll follow any order given to him. Maybe you'd like a slave today.

Last on the list is Steven. He's a smooth taking ladies man that has bedded every girl you know. You've no doubt of his talents because you were there for quite a few of his escapades. Sure your friends might tell you about it later, but the'll also probably call him right afterwards.

Dial Todd

Give Kevin a ring

Call Steven

You could even try going off the beaten path. If you dig through your closet, you know there's a magic book in there that may have a spell to, quite literally, Summon a man.

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