DirtyMeStoryTime Rants/Camping trip

From Create Your Own Story

Seriously? She would go on a camping trip with a few "guys"?

Well, as you can imagine, by the end of it, naked guys tied to trees, raped within an inch of their lives, could be found all over the camp. And Loli? Well, she already went home. We are still not sure how the guys will make it back to, well, anywhere, tied to trees, no clothing, and exhausted half to death.

Oh, you want a story about "Loli" going on a camping trip with lots of guys? Sigh. Okay, if you really do not like this one, I can make a different one that will get you all hot and bothered.

HA! Fooled you! No story here. Maybe I will write one later=P

PS: If you check the edit page (Just do not edit it, click cancel after), I am working on one for you, since I am in the right mood. Just find the comment (the thing surrounded by <!-- and --> in the "edit" page")

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