Messaging Alexis/Try to go to bed

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You try to go to bed but you cant sleep. You finally got her to talk to you and now your going to bed! You think.

You slither out of bed and to the computer. When you turn it on it makes the cursed start up sound so loud you're afraid that it woke the whole house. You wait a few minutes to be sure you don't hear anyone stirring and turn on the monitor. Once logged into clubs as offline you see that Alexis is online. You change your status to online and message her.

me: Hey you still up?

You wait a couple minutes and then she responds.

Lexxi: yeah what's up?
me: nothing just couldn't sleep
Lexxi: yeah me too.
Lexxi: why'd you get back on here?
me: truthfully?
Lexxi: Yeah. please never lie to me
me: ok. I wanted to talk some more with you.
Lexxi: why's that I'm weird and plain
me: don't say those thing about yourself
Lexxi: ok. I wish all the guys I know were like you
me: yeah why is that
Lexxi: All they want is to talk about sex and all especially the ones I know on here
me: sorry. I have to admit it's something that is always on my mind but I try not to 
bring it up to often
me: sorry you said not to lie to you
Lexxi: yeah I did. I'm not saying I don't think about sex either it's just I have to 
be in the mood for it you know?
me: yeah
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