Pokesex/Boy/Unova/Hilbert/Tepig/Home/Downstairs/Mom Talk/Sex
From Create Your Own Story
Go big or go home, you think to yourself. "I really want to fuck you. Pretty please?"
Your mother's eyes go wide, her cheeks flushing bright red. "Baby, that's... I can't. I won't. I'm sorry."
"Why not?" you moan childishly, hoping to sway her with the "disappointed child" act.
"I just... can't. It's too far. If you'd asked for something smaller, maybe I could have, but... I can't do that. Not with my son."
You do your best to force tears into your eyes, but it's in vain. Your mom may be a doormat, but even she has her limits, and she's giving you that look that means you've reached them.
Well, shit.