
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:46, 12 June 2016 by Evitable (Talk | contribs)

You are the CEO of a relatively small travel agency, but it's small for a reason. In reality, your travel agency is a front for human trafficking operations. Sometimes it's a nubile college dropout using leftover student loan money to "discover" herself. In some cases, it's a recently divorced housewife with a generous settlement spending it on forgetting - or in vengeance. You fulfill their wishes, and send them to some exotic getaway anywhere between between Brazil and Cambodia - the long way. The catch is that they don't come back.

Still, it's a pretty dull job. American targets are few and far between, so you make most of your illicit lucre through tributes paid for acting as a networking hub for foreign traffickers. Basically, your company is the record-keeper for the industry that likes to stay off-the-record. And when you're not doing that, your company is busy doing its actual, legal job.

Instead of poon and cash, your desk is filled with paperwork, your answering machine is filled with messages and redirected calls, and your computer is filled with emails. Where to start?

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