The creature is horny, and its time for some tentacle rape.

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked & terrified

You hold on to the ladder with all your might, but it is not enough. You feel your fingers slip away from the rungs of the ladder as the creature pulls you closer and closer.

The tentacles around your arms, legs, and waist tighten. Then you feel more of the hard, rubbery tentacles sliding over your body.

You look down. You are facing away from the creature, and you watch in horror as tentacles wrap themselves around your tits and start squeezing. Another tentacle snakes its way from between your legs, quests around briefly, then inserts itself into your pussy. You feel another tentacle pushing its way between your butt-cheeks, and entering you from behind as the first tentacle drives deeper and deeper into your pussy.

You are still screaming. Your screams are choked off when another tentacle forces its way into your mouth.

You are unable to stop the tentacles from thrusting their way deep within you, over and over as the tentacles that first grabbed you continue to hold you firmly and helplessly in place. They are very hard, much longer than anything you have ever had in you, and rather too wide to fit. They seem to have needle-sharp tips and razor-sharp ridges along their sides.

Over and over and over, the tentacles work themselves within you as you try futilely to struggle, scream, and fight. Your brain is feeding you horrific thoughts of what these sharp tentacles must be doing to you.

When you look down, you see blood dripping out of your pussy and down your legs. There is more blood coming out of your mouth and out from between your butt-cheeks, you now realize.

Finally, after an eternity, the intensity of the rape and sodomy slow, then stop.

You fight back tears and begin to hope that the creature is finished with you.

Alas, you quickly learn. It is not to be.

The creature:

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