Transporting obscene material is not legal. As the only obscene material transportation cases involving written material that have been successfully prosecuted are related to underage sex, such material is no longer permitted. All such content should be edited or removed. Removing this disclaimer will not alter the legality of posting underage sex stories, but may result in you being banned from posting on this site.
For those who wish to read or write such stories, a lolicon/shotacon website has created a similar wiki story system catering to underage stories. Please feel free to visit (Sorry for the non-link link, but the site is being a pain with letting me post external links --Elerneron 20:52, 14 October 2015 (UTC))
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
The 007 Stories | 51 | (Public)
2 Taboo 4 You | 289 | (Public)
50 nuits | 0 | (Do not edit without permission.)
The Abandoned Adult Story | 205 | (Public) BUT send me a message before editing at: User talk:Completionist
A Bard's Journey | 15 | (Public)
Another Beginning | WIP | (Public)
ABDL Afterlife | 8 | (Public)
Abuse My Wife | 2 | (Public)
The Academy | 10 (WiP) | (Public)
An Airplane Journey | 15 | (Public)
Adjunct King | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
The Adult Story | 45 | (Public)
Advanced Dating | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Adventure Ace | wip | (Public)
Adventure at the TG Thriftshop (TG/AP/AR/BI) | 79 | (Public; Please Add!) Updated 5/21/2014
Adventures in nymphomania | WIP | (Public)
Adventures in Planeswalking | W.I.P. | (Private)
Adventures of Jay | 1 (WIP) | (Do Not Edit)
An Adventure of Taboo | WIP (20) (S/Bi/G/TG) | (Public) (A fetish for almost everyone, writers welcome)
Adventures of Valour | 17 | (Do Not Edit)
Adventures of Naughtiness (German) | 0 | Under Construction
Agent 069 | 0 | (Private) Just starting..
Apocalypse End | 8 | (Do Not Edit)
Alex Rider | WIP | (Public)
Alien Adventure | 21 | (Public)
Alien CHAMPION | 9 | (Public, with some stipulations)
Alien Invasion | 1 | (Public, make sure it makes sense)
All Alone (Lesbian) | 111 | (Public)
All Family | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
All in the Family | 141 | (Public)
Altered Reality | 8 (WIP) | (Public)
An Amazing Night | 12 (WIP) | (Public)>) | last edit 12/27/2014, Just started But add if you want.
The Amazon | 45 | (Do Not Edit)
Amazola | 37 | (Do Not Edit)
Android Training | 2 | (Private)
Annabeth | 21 | (Public)
Angorea | 2 | (A new, story-heavy adventure - Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 12/28/2013, only 2 pages.
Angry Chicks | WIP | (ask Panzerlord1943 through his discussion page) (DO NOT EDIT EXISTING PAGES WITHOUT PERMISSION, USE PROPER GRAMMAR)
Anime Neighborhood | W.I.P | (Do Not Edit)
Anime School | 51 | (Do Not Edit)
Another Dance Lesson...? | 33 | (Public - PLEASE contribute (I want to see where this can go) but have good grammar. Stick to the initial characters.)
Another Day At School... | 94 | (Public)
The Answer Is Yes | 23 | (Public)
Anything Goes | 17 | Public 10/20/15
Arcade Adventure | 148 | (Public) (Wreck-It Ralph Universe) (Abandoned)
Arcade Glitch | 14 | Public | Wreck it Ralph
Arcadia | 22 | (Do Not Edit) Under Construction
Archie's Gay Adventure (Gay) | 88 | (Public)
Archie's Sexual Adventure | 91 | (Public)
Ardenstone | 42 | (Do Not Edit) W.I.P. - Day 1 complete, plenty more to come!
The Ari Adventures | 0 | private
Art of the Shinobi | 20 | (Public- Brain required)
As A Family | 5 | public (Do Not Edit)
Ass Games (All Anal) | 20 | (Public) Anyone can contribute, so long as your grammar and story telling are good!
Assassin | 21 | (Do Not Edit)
Assassin's Guild | 2 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 9/30/2013, only 2 pages.
At home | Wip | (Private)
Aunt, Son, Mom Threesome Birthday | WIP | (Public) Aunt and nephew conspire to have a threesome with his mom - 1 ending
Avatar: The Sexual Collection | 0 | (Public)
Avatar: Tsu'Tey and the wanderer | 0 | (Public)
Award Night | W.I.P | (Do Not Edit)Just having a play around to figure out how to create stories on the site.
Awaylands | 7 | (Private Do not Edit)
Les aventures de Bud Bunddy | 0 | (Public) (French story - Une aventure en français)
Les aventures d'un jeune queutard | 20 | (Public) (French story - Une aventure en français)
Babylon | 1+ | (Private)
baby sister for hire | WIP | (Public)
The Babysitter | 1+ | (Public)
Babysitter - Irresponsible | WIP | (Public)
The Babysitting job | 80 | (Public and please update freely but make sure your spelling is correct)
Bad Girl | 39 | (Public)
Badlands | 25 | (Public)
Band Forming Thing | 123 | (Public)
Banished | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Bayport Girls' Academy | 4 | (Do Not Edit)
BDSM Adventures | 7 | (Feel free to edit)
Beach Vacation | 63 | (Public)
Beachside Holiday | 37 | (Public)
Beardy Goodness | W.I.P | (Public)
Beastly World | W.I.P | (Public)
Beast Breeding Farm | W.I.P | (Public)
Benighted | 10 | (Do Not Edit)
The Big Bang Theory | 1 | (Public)
A Big Ugly Story | 24 | (Public)
Big Brother Drama (gay) | 5 | (Private)
Big Cock Fun (Gay) | 47 | (Under Construction)(Create new pages if you want, just please leave the originals alone.)
Birthday Bottom Boy's Blackout Bar-night (Gay) | 1,032 | (Do Not Edit)
Bi-Sexual Sex Stories | 150+ | (Public) (((PLEASE ADD AND MODIFY STORIES)))
Blackguards and Bondage | 14 | (WIP: Please Do Not Edit)
Blackmailed | 345 | (Public)
Blackmailed Aunt | WIP | (Public) A nephew blackmails his aunt - 2 endings
Blackmail Adventure | W.I.P. | (Private)
Blessed Union | 43 | (WIP: Please Do Not Edit)
Bloodborne - The Hunt Begins Anew | W.I.P | (Public)
Blue Mountain University | 137 | (Public) | Last edit 12/10/2014
Boarding School Magic | 48 | (Public)
Boarding School Whores | 28 | (Public)
Bounty Hunterz | 0 | (Public)
Boygirl (Bi) | WIP | (Public)
Boy Princess (Gay) | 11 | (Public) (Please read the rules) W.I.P.
Bosco Incantato | 0 | (Private)
Breeder: Fruit of Our Creation | WIP | (Private)
The Breeding Games | 88 | (Public)
Broken (Gay)(thriller) | wip | (Private)
Brood | 6 | (Private) | Pit watchlist, last edit 11/25/2013, only 6 pages.
A Brothel Simulator | WIP | (Private but please read!)
Brothel Adventure | WIP | (Public)
Bridget Vs. I-No | W.I.P. | (Please do not edit just yet)
Bully gets the girls | just started | (Public)
Burn it Down!!! | W.I.P. | (Public). Feel free to contribute. Please use good writing and grammar. Have fun with it.
Camp to Remember (Gay) | 20 | (Public)
Can't I come over? | 0 | (Private)
Carnival Fuck | W.I.P | (Please Do Not Edit)
Casa Stregata | W.I.P. | (Private)
Cassie's Horrible Family | 49 | (Public) - A narrative interactive story with a planned out storyline, please adhere to the plot (includes humiliation, nudity, scat, creepy-crawlies)
Catgirl Adventures | 14 | (Do Not Edit New story! One ending so far. 2/8/14)
Catherine's Tale | WIP | (Do Not Edit Whatsoever)
Celeb Harem | WIP | (Public)
Celebrities! | 40 | (Public)
Celia's Sex | 109 | (Public, W.I.P Last update 3/8/2015)
Cecilia | 20 | (Public)
The Cell | WIP | (Private Edit for now)
Cellar Door | 23 | (Public)
Cheer Camp | 7 | (Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 11/27/2013, only 7 pages.
Choose Your Destiny | 91 | (Public)
Choose your path | wip | (Public)
Christmas Night | WIP | (Private)
Clementine on her own | 9 | (Public)
Clementine x Sarah | W.I.P | (Public)
College: A Virgin's Fantasy | 60 | (Do Not Edit)
College Gay Exploration | 0 | (Private for now)
College Girls | 487 | (Public)
College Girl's Wish | 15 | (Public)
+College Revamped | 11 | (Don't Edit)
College Threesome FFM - Denial and Teasing | WIP | (Please Do Not Edit)
Coma | - wip
| Comic Adventure | 0 | (Public)
Companionship | 0 | (Private for now)
Complete Domination | WIP | (Public)
A Confident Man | WIP | (Private)
Corrupt me | 110 | (Public)
Context | 8 | Not sure what it is yet...only adult because I may have adult situations, not because it is an adult based story.
Country Girl | 45 | (Public)
A Craigslist Adventure | WIP | (Public) read writers notes at bottom of page W.I.P
Creating Chaos | 18 | (Public)
A Cumflation Story | 13 | (Public)
Curse of the Royals | 7 | (Private)
Cute Alayne | WIP | (WIP - Do not edit)
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Dark Mansion | W.I.P. | private; please do not edit
Darklands - A Medieval Adventure | 65 | (public, edit as you like - 03/27/2016)
A day in the life of the Cumlord | 75 | ( Making public with permission of author, please contribute!)
Days in the Life of Sammy Simm | 45 | (Public)
Deadman Wonderland | 14 | (Feel free to edit, 1 writer per branch of sin+personality combo)
Death Will Come | 43 | (Public)
Decisions | 25 | (Do Not Edit)
Demon's Host | 29 | {public}
Demonic Might | In Construction | {Do Not Edit}
Demonic Will | - | {Do Not Edit}
The Dentist Appointment of Urethral Agony | 0 | private
Deutsche Geschichten | 20 | (Public)
Desert Island | 63 | (Public)
The Devil's Daughter | 594 | (Public)
Different Girls, Different Kinks | W.I.P | (Private) First time posting so I'm just having a little test.
Dirty Me | 141 | (Public) (Please ask before editing and read this) W.I.P
Dirty minded serial offender | WIP | (Private for now) Story will be public when structure is matured
DirtyMeStoryTime Rants | Some | Read if you want, but I will warn you that I am making fun of many of the stories here (mostly adult stories). It is a satire/parody/rant story.
Disaster in Space | 0 | Private
doctor | w.i.p
doctors | wip | do not edit
Dog Tales | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Double-Blind Desire | 5 | (Private)(new author, WIP until I can build solid foundation) | Pit watchlist, last edit 9/19/2013, only 5 pages.
Down The Rabbit Hole | 362 | (Hail Eris!) (Public)
Downfall | 809 (WIP) | (Please do not add or edit anything but spelling mistakes)
Dragon Life | 11 | (Public)
DRAMAtical Murder: Text Version | WIP | (Do Not Edit) This will have non-con/rape in some parts and is mostly story.
Dread | 104 | (Do Not Edit)
Dreams of Desire | 0 | (Private)
Drivers' Education | 6 | Public
Druglord | 27 | (Public)
Drug dazed hookup | WIP | (Private)
Dungeons and Dragons | 550 | (Public)
Dysfunctional Family | WIP | (Private for now)
E.V.E. | WIP | private
Eagle Academy | WIP | (Private: go to Panzerlord 1943 to ask if you can make pages)
The Echidna Tale (Monster girl, transformation) | 41 | (Public)
Elven Lands | In Construction | (Public, Do not edit without permission)
Emma's Story | WIP | (Private)
Embarrassing Day | WIP | (Private - For now)
EMP | WIP | (private)
Empire of the lost | WIP | (Private)
Enchantress(Futa) | 64 | (public(Feel free to edit and add anything))(WIP)
The End of the World | 528 | (The apocalypse is upon you. Can you survive AND save the girl?) |
The End of the World 2 | WIP | (Edit if you want, after playing first.) |
Equestria Tales | WIP | Private
Erotic Adventures of a Gentleman Spy | 17 | (private - Do Not Edit Please!) | Pit watchlist, last edit 12/29/2013, only 17 pages.
Eros Academy | 0 | (Private for Now)
Erotic Life | 29 | (w.i.p.)(Public)(please edit)
The Ever Changing World In Which I Live | 12 | (Do Not Edit Yet Please) | Pit watchlist, last edit 11/8/2013, only 12 pages.
The Exciting Adventure | 102 | A story revolving around exposure and embarrassment involving supernatural things. (WARNING: Includes scat - though for humiliation purposes with no digestion)
The Exhibitionist | 1 | (Public) Please do not edit the story content, but please DO add options.
Ex-tasy | 10 | (Public)
Extraordinary Life of a Not So Common Teenager | 51 | (Public)
Exotic Island | WIP | (Do Not Edit Yet Please)
Exposed | 11 | (Public, Must make sense and be realistic, try to use proper grammar, DO NOT edit any existing content and NO DEATH SCENES)
Faith's punishment | WIP (growing daily) | (Public)
falling for him | Under Construction | (Private Please Do Not Edit)
Fallout | WIP | (Please Do Not Edit)
Fallout 0 | 3 | (Public)
Fallout 4 | 52 | Public
Fallout 4 Revised | 0 | Public | Much like one above, just simpler
Fallout Shorts | 15 | Public
Fallout:The Wastes | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Faction (Gay) | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
the Fairly Oddparents:timantha "hot" adventure
The Family Business | WIP | (Please do not edit)
The Family Dog | WIP 50 | (Public)
Family Guy | 4 | (Public)
Family Holiday | WIP | (Private)
Family Life | WIP | (Public)
Family Love | WIP | (DO NOT EDIT)
A Family Matter | 15 | (Private, look but don't edit)( Contain incest, lesbian, young)
A Family of Nuns | 15 (WIP) | (Do Not Edit)
Family Possession | 41 | (Public)
The Family Secret | 5 | (Do Not Edit)
Family Ties | 462 | (Public)
Family Values | WIP | (Public)
Fantasy Gay Sex(Gay) | 0 | (do not edit just yet please)(WIP)
Fantasy Land | (WiP) | (Public)
Fantasy Journey | Feel free to add to existing pages do not delete anything |
Fantasy Life | 63 | (Can be as crazy as you want it to be. Please go out of your way to make sure that all contributions use proper grammar. Any contributions with poor grammar will be deleted promptly.)
Fetish Hotel | WIP | WIP - Do not edit (yet)
Filthy Rich McBillionaire | (WIP Do not edit)
Finky's Mansion | 24 | (WIP Do not edit)
First Day At College(Gay) | 18 | (Do Not Edit)
The Fountain of Youth | 2 | (Private)
Forced Exhibitionist | 24 | (Public)
Forcing your little daughter | WIP | public //feel free to edit//
Forest Life | | (WIP Edit, but edits must make sense. Anything that seems too random will get deleted.t)
Freedom Keeper | 13 | (Public)(Please Edit and add more pages, just keep it realistic!)
Freshman Dream | 20 | (Public)
Freshman Year | 41 | (Public)
Friday Night | 49 | (Public)
That Friend Jake | WIP (Gay) | public
Frozen heart | 38 | (Public WIP)
Fuck Your Friend | 21 | (Public)
Fucking Classy | 30 | (Public)
Fucking in Faerun | WIP | WIP
Fun Times in Oceanview City(Lesbian) | (3) WIP | (Please do not edit)
Fun time in school | WIP | public //feel free to edit//
Fun With The Family | 0 | (Please don't edit)
Furries and Sex | 3 | Public
Furry Fling | 8 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 9/16/2013, only 8 pages.
Furry World | 1,453 | (Public)
Furry Fantasy | 0 | ( Not public yet still in set up WIP read guide before posting)
Futa Club | 23 | (private)
Futa Kingdom | 33 Pages | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 10/29/2013, only 10 pages.
Futa Problems | 64 Pages | (Public)
Futa Quest | W.I.P. | Private
The Futa Story | WIP | (Public, do not edit written pages)
Game of Lust | WIP | (Private)
Game of Thrones | 12 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 9/24/2013, only 7 pages.
gamejumper romp | 1 | (Public)
A Gamer's Sex Adventure | 8 | (WIP, please do not edit.)
Gauntlet Legacy | W.I.P | (Public)
Gay Academy | 60 | (Public)
Gay Middle School Sex | 13 | (Public)
Gay School Fun | 8 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, only 8 pages
Gay Schoolboy Slut | W.I.P | (WIP, Public)
Gay Step-Dad | W.I.P | (WIP, Public)
Gay Teacher Adventure | W.I.P | (WIP, Dontt edit)
Gay Teen At Eighteen | W.I.P | (Work In Progress. Feel free to add. good/decent grammar only please.)
Gender switch | 2 | (don´t edit)
Generic Fantasy: The Erotic Adventure | 5 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edited 11/25/2013, only 5 pages.
Getting a Job | 70 | (Public)
The Ghost of the Mansion | 86 | (Public and Looking For Writers)
A Gifted Woman | 5 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, 1 page edited 1/25/2014, other pages 2011-2012, only 5 pages.
Girl Island | 20 | (Public)
A Girl on Girl: My First Time (Lesbian) | 44 | (Public)
The Girls Are Your Playthings | 41 | (WIP) (Do Not Edit)
Girl Scout Camp (The Sequel) | 536 | (Public)
Girl Scout Cookies | 389 | (Public)
Girlngirl Dorms | 40+ | (Public)
Girlngirl High (Lesbian) | 144+ | (Public) | Mostly complete. See first page discussion for details
A Girl's Night Out (Lesbian) | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Girly Boy (bi) | 20 | (WIP)
Glamour: The life of a model | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
A Good Life | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Good son (bi) | 1,056 | (Public)
Goodbye | 20 | (Do Not Edit)
Gotham | 17 | (Public)
Gratification | WIP | (Public)
The Greatest Weekend Ever | 20 | (Public)\
The Great Gatsby XXX | 1 | (Public)\
Greek Mythology | 1 | (Public)\
The Growing Adventure | WIP | (Contains furries, futas, and growth) (Public)
A Guy At An All Girls School | WIP | (DO NOT EDIT)
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Hailey The Whore | 35
Haircuts | 80 | (Edit within reason. Keep to the story. Develop any existing pages freely)
Halloween Mansion Party | 1 page, W.I.P | (Do not edit)
Halloween Night | W.I.P
Halloween Party | 8 | Under construction; do not edit.
Halloween Weekend | WIP | (Private)
The Hallway of Infinity | 15 | (Public)
Halo: After Reach | 9 | (Public)(but do not edit) | Pit watchlist, last edited 2/20/2014, only 9 pages.
Hardon High (Gay) | 142 | (Public)
The Harem | 16 | (WIP, Do Not Edit)
Harry Potter and the Connubialis Hex | 188 | (Public)
Harry Potter and the Years of Sex | 0 | (Public (Add all you want))
Harry Potter: Master | 15 | (Public)
Heat Wave | W.I.P. | (Do Not Edit)
Heir Apparent | 0 | (W.I.P) (Do Not Edit)
Hentai | 10 | (Public)
Hentai World | 33 | (Public
Heroes of Pleasure | 23 | (Do Not Edit)
Heroes of Olympus | 4 | Public
High School | 1,730 | (Public. Please be creative and disgusting and ridiculous. I wouldn't even mind this turning into a "No One Should Read These.")
High School Erotica | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
A High School Fantasy | 15 | (Public)
High School: Getting Lucky | 23 | (Public) WIP
High School gold ring | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
High School: Mind Control | WIP | (Public) (with submission rules)
High School: Naughty Edition | 19 | (Public for good writers)
High School: A New Beginning | 18 | (Public)
High School Redux | 14 | (Public)
High School Sex Stories | 1 | (Ask before you edit)
High School Troubles | WIP | (Public) Please ask before editing!
High School: The Way It Should Have Been | 60 | (Public)
High Voltage | 486 | (Private, Do Not Edit)
Hipster Girl Exposed | - | Not yet open to public
His Gay Life (Bi) | 32 | (Do Not Edit) (See the discussions page for more details)
Hitman For Hire | 21 | Incomplete, specific editing rules
Hollywood Romp | 26 | (Public)
Homecoming | 6 | (Private, Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edited 2/27/2014, only 6 pages.
Homeland | NEW | (Public)
Home Early | 45 | (Public)
Hooker Life | 15+ | (Public)
Horned Devil | 23 | (WIP)
The Horny Games | 7 | Public)
Hot and Horny | 988 | (Public)
Hot Mom | 11 | (Public)(Incest)(Don't edit existing pages.) | Pit watchlist, last edited 12/16/2013, only 11 pages.
Hotwife | | (Public)
The House on Horny Hill | 20 | W.I.P. Not yet open to public
The Humiliation of Katie | 721 | (Public)
Hunger Games | 3 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edited 8/1/2013, only 3 pages.
The Hunger Games: Nothing is Prohibited | 47 | (Public)(NO EDITS AT THE MOMENT. Playable to a certain point)
Hunger Games: Sex Addition | 12 | (Public)(Please edit, use good grammar)
Hush (Under Construction) | 22 | (Do Not Edit)
Hypno Halloween (CD/TV) | 0 | (W.I.P.) (Private, Do Not Edit)
iCarly: iWant Sex | 309 | (Public)
ICarly: sex adventure | WIP | (Public)
I'll Be Gentle... | 50+ | (Public)
I'm just a boy | 9 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 10/22/2013, only 9 pages.
Important News | 0 | private W.I.P DO NOT EDIT
Impregnator | 0 | (Public)
In Our Bath | 15 | (Private) | Pit watchlist, last edit 9/9/2013, only 15 pages.
In Space No One Can Hear You Breed | 31 | (Public)
Incest Seduction | 41 | (Public)
Incubus (Bisexual Pirate Fantasy) | 41 | (Public)
inevitable | 4 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 8/11/2013, only 4 pages.
+Infinity | 1,514 | (Public) | Moved, please don't try to put your story on top by adding + to it.
Interracial Extravaganza | 261 | (Public) W.I.P (Any editing welcome, make all stories about interracial sex.)
Invisible | 45 | (Public)
Invisible Boy | 14 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/13/2014, only 7 pages.
Island of Dr. Monroe "Breeding Edition" | WIP | (Private)
Jackie's Dilemma's | 2 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 2/11/2014, only 2 pages.
Jade Rogue | 13 | (Public)
Jessica's Choices | 23 | (Public. Subject to change, Please Do not edit.)
Jessica's Choices, A modern day slave | WIP | (Private. Please Do not edit. )
Jessica's Choices, Forced Family | WIP | (Private. Please Do not edit. )
A Job | 40 | (Public)
The Johnson Family | 26 | (Public)
Junior High | 17 | (Public)
Just Another Day | 31 | (Public)
Just Do It Already! | 22 | (Public)
Kayla's Adventures: Party | 9 | private, W.I.P. | Pit watchlist, last edit 11/30/2013, only 9 pages.
Keeping It In The Family | WIP | Public, but it needs good grammar and quality.
Key to the Kingdom | WIP | Private for now
Kim Possible Sex Adventure | 0 | (Private-do not edit all edits will be deleted) | Ron Stoppable POV story
The Kingdom | 0 | (Public) Feel free to edit, I WILL delete what I dislike
Kingdom Cum | WIP | (Public)
The Knight | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Kinkfinity | 318 | (Semi-private) | Ask on Wolfram's talk page if you want to edit; more info inside
A Knight's Quest | 16 | (Under construction. Do not edit yet.) | Pit watchlist, last edit 8/4/2013, only 16 pages.
Kneel | WIP | Public, but please use decent grammer and spelling.
KPOP Love Story | 14+ | (Do not edit.)
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Ladies of the League | W.I.P | Public
Mind Controller | W.I.P | private
Labyrinth | W.I.P | ( Public )
Labyrinth of Lust | 207 | (Public)
Lady Knight | 0 | public
Lady of Desire | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Lady Van Helsing | 101 | (Public)
The Last Cock on Earth | WIP | (Don't edit!)
Last Day of School | 13 | (Public)
Last Hope | W.I.p | (Public )
Last Man on Earth | 0 | public
Last Virgin Standing | 63 | private
Lara Croft: The Untold Tales | 13 | (Fuck this story, too hard to write. Not enough time. - Bojangles)
Laura's Adventure | 17 | (Public)( Contain incest, domination, humiliation, be advertise )
Leaving | wip 106 | (Public, ask if you want to edit existing pages, feel free to add new characters though -Intheworstways)
Legend of Krystal | 61 | public
Legend of the Trailer Park | 125 | last edit 1/25/2014, only 5 pages.
Lesbiana(lesbian fantasy story) | 36 | (Public)
Lesbian Parkour Club | 4 | (Public)
A Lesbian Slave Adventure | W.I.P. | (DO NOT EDIT)
Lesbian Violet's Story | 248 | (Private (if you edit do not delete anything existing and your edit may be removed)
Let's Burn Down a Castle | 248 | (Public)
License | W.I.P | (Do Not Edit)
Life+++ | 11 | (Public)
Life And Death | 25 |
Life as a good little girl. | 150 | (PUBLIC. (ONLY GOOD GRAMMAR AND STORY TELLING.))
Life at Its Fullest | 8 | (Public)
Life Simulator (dirty) | W.I.P | (public)
Life of a 13 Year Old | 315 | (Do Not Edit, Update 6, 19, 2015)
Life of a Futa | W.I.P | private (for now)
Life of a loli | W.I.P | private
Life Of A Pornstar | W.I.P | private
Life of a Serial Killer | 0 | (<private>)
The Life of a Fantasy Princess | 23 | (Private - this is an alternate version of The Life of a medieval princess. Primarily intended for some structural changes for me to keep track of what i'm doing and facilitate conversion of content to this site.)
The Life of a Medieval Princess | 495 | (Public - but please read the Princess Editor's Guide. Mainly focused around the story with an erotic background and occasional sexual encounters. Might contain extreme violence and mutilation if you (or someone else) screws up during a fight.)
The Life of Others | 14
The Life of Cassie | 5 | (Public but Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/22/2014, only 5 pages.
Life of Unlimited Chances | 12 | (Public)
Life of a sexy Nerd | 10 | public
Life of a pedo | 3 | (W.I.P)(DON'T EDIT) | Pit watchlist, last edit 3/9/2014, only 3 pages.
Life of the sexy female thief sly cooper | 18 | (W.I.P, please don't edit this)
Littlest Nymph in the Labyrinth | 8 | (Private) W.I.P
Living Alone | W.I.P | private
Lonely & Horny Single Mom | WIP | (Private)
The Long Road to Graduation | 10 | (Private)(W.I.P)
Lost Girl | 10 | (Public)
Lost in the City | 41 | (W.I.P)(Public)
Lost Lights | (W.I.P) | (Public)
Love Magic | 0 | (Private)
Lucid dreams | 26 | (Public) (W.I.P) | Pit watchlist, last edit 01/05/2016, only 26 pages.
Lucky? | 14 | Private | Pit watchlist, last edit 10/11/2013, only 14 pages.
The Lussuria Kingdom | 0 | (Private)
A lust for cock | 1 (WiP) | (Public) Gay, feel free to add pages but please don't edit existing ones
Lust in the Valley | 1 | (WIP) PRIVATE for the time being
Lyle, a.k.a. Lilly (a trap's story) | WIP | PUBLIC WIP
Mage Games (Gay Fantasy) | 31 | (Public)
A Magician's Journey | WIP | (Public)
March of the Dark Elves | 44 | (Public)
Marion | 4 | (Public / French Story)
Marmota Nights | 150+ | W.I.P.,(Do Not Edit)
Mars: A Chronicle | 3 | W.I.P; Public
Marvel Erotic Universe | 50+ | (Public)
Masked Crimes | 13 | W.I.P., (Do Not Edit)
Mass Effect: Normandy Nights
Mass Effect: Operation EDI | 4 | (Public)
Mass Effect: Sex Edition | 19 | W.I.P., (Public, but please have prior gaming knowledge of the Mass Effect series)
The Master's Mansion | 17 |
Medieval Adventures | 13 | Public, bad articles will be removed.
Medieval Fun | 14 | (Private) W.I.P DO NOT EDIT AON!
Medieval Kingdom | 0 | (Public) Feel free to edit, I WILL delete what I dislike
Meet'n'fuck Beach Vacation | 34 | (Public)
Meet the Kirks | 7 | (WIP. Do not edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 2/14/2014, only 7 pages.
Megan (An Exercise In Violence) | 24 | complete. Do not edit.
Melanie and Michael | 14 | W.I.P., (Do Not Edit)
Merit Badges | 10 | (Public)
Messaging Sarah | 30 | Public
Middle School | 26 | (WIP)
Millennial High: Freshman Fun | 0 | WIP Please, do not edit.
Mind Control | 26 | (Public) |
The Mind Controlling Device | 31 | (Public)
Mind over matter | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Minnesota | 0 | Private
Misfortunes of an Asian College Girl | 18 | (Public)
Mistress Of Satan | WIP | (Public)
Mom Cooks You Dinner... | W.I.P | Private, but send a message if you have suggestions
Mom's A Drunken Whore | W.I.P | (Public) A mom is turned into a whore for her son and his girlfriend - 1 ending
Moms can be bad | W.I.P. | public (I welcome you to add to this story i hope to see what you all come up with)
Monster Girl Adventure | W.I.P. | Private (for now, add your content to the suggestions page) First Character Arc! PM with any questions/suggestions.
Modern Family | 0 | (Public)
Most Lore-Friendly Story In Existence | WIP | (No Edits, Please)
Morning Deshmukh | WIP | (Testing.)
A Mother's Love | 7 | (Public (Edit However You Want But It Must Stick To The Incest Pattern)
The Morning After | Wip | Public(read the rules for posting!)
Mutiny | WIP | Add to the story if you want; you're perfectly free to create your own tangents.
My kind of Neighborhood | 49 | Public
My Little Neko | Wip | (Private
My Mom Is A Shemale | WIP |
My next door neighbors | WIP | Private
My wish | 4 | public | Pit watchlist, last edit 9/11/2013, only 4 pages.
My Worlds | 2 | Work On It, It's Public
Mythical Adventure | 23 | Public 8/18/15
Nancy's First Gangbang | 0 | public
Naked in Public | 0 | (Public)
Naruto: Power of Mind | 5 | (Private)(Don't edit but you can contribute) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/25/2014, only 5 pages.
Naughty High School | WIP | (Public-ish)
Neighborhood | 33 | (Public
The Neighborhood | 0 | public Feel free to edit in anyway you would like
New Goddess | WIP | (Private)
New Life in some way | 28 | (Public)
New World Survival | 0 | Private
Night Nude | 0 | (Public WIP)
Ninja Kittehs From Space! | 22 | (Public)
Nintendo Characters | (WIP) | (Public, please edit)
Noir Detective | 108
No Means Yes | 0 | (Public
Not So Average Alex | 8 | ( Public (gay) ) | Pit watchlist, last edit 8/17/2013, only 8 pages.
Now you're a girl! | WIP | Private
Numbers | 27 | (Kinda Public)
Obscura | 136 | (Public)(Please add pages!)
Occupational Therapy (Gay) | 24 | (Public)
Once Upon a Time | | (Work in progress, edit if you please)
Ongoing Story | 560 | (Some paths finished, others are work in Progress)
Oops! You're Naked! | 789 | (Public)
The Ordinary Life of a Prostitute | 13 | (Public)
Organized Crime | 36 | (W.I.P, Please Edit, No spelling/grammar errors allowed.)
One Night with Princess Luna | 0 | (W.I.P, Don't edit unless you have knowledge about MLP and have good grammar)
Office Life | W.I.P | Private
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Panty Sniffing Freak | WIP | public //feel free to edit//
The Patchwork Universe | 2 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 2/2/2014, only 10 pages.
Patriarch's Legacy | 10 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 8/27/2013, only 10 pages.
Patrick's Day | 0 | (Do Not Edit (WIP))
Percy Jackson & Friends | 32 | (Public)
Pervert | 72 | (Public)
Perverted Idol Adventure | 1 | (Do Not Edit)
Perverted Thirteen-Year-Old | 96 | (Public)
Phineas and Ferb: The Erotic Adventures | 133 | (Public)
Pi Pi Pi | 304 | (Public)
Pimp | 81 | (Do Not Edit)
Pimping Your Roommate | 3 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 10/27/2013, only 3 pages.
Pirates! | WIP | Public, message me if you wanna edit, decent grammar a must
Plane Crash | 25 | Public
Pokemon: Gotta Sex 'em all! Kanto Edition | 27 | (W.I.P., Private)
Pokemon: Sexy Version | 12 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/20/2014, only 12 pages.
Pokesex | 350 | (Public)
Pool Party | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
A Portrait of an American Girl Named Myra | 72 | (Public)
Possessed | 141 | (Public)
The Power of Suggestion | 31 | (W.I.P) (Public)
The Power of Will | 60 | (W.I.P) (Do Not Edit)
Prince of HighHall | WIP - DO NOT EDIT | (Public)
Princess Problems | 7 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 2/25/2014, only 7 pages.
Prison Life | Public | (WIP, Public)
Public Nudity | 64 | (Public)
Punishment for your wife | 149 | (Public)
The Punishment of Claire and Cassandra | 129 | (***UPDATED MAY 2015*** You play a Sheriff who punishes his teenage daughter and her best friend - Please Do Not Edit - Comments and reviews welcome on talk page)
Queen of Lust | 2 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 11/22/2013, only 2 pages.
The Quest For Treguards Treasure | 274 | (Public)
Quest for sex | 0 | public
| Raji | W.I.P. | (Private)
Rampage | 4,367 | (Public-but any contributions with poor grammar will be immediately deleted)
Rape Magnet | W.I.P. | (Do not edit)
Red Mobster | 67 | (Public)
Red Mobster: The Rail Thin Red Head: George Lucas Special Edition | All | (Public, do not edit, complete story)
Reddit's /r/GayIncest Adventure | WIP | (Private) - /r/GayIncest Subscribers Only (Please)
Research Facility | W.I.P | (Do Not Edit)
The Resort | W.I.P | (Please Do Not Edit)
Reversible(Gay) | W.I.P | (Private for now)
Right fat bastard | ? | W.I.P | | ( Public(Bisexual) ) |
Rise Up | W.I.P | (Public)
A Romantic One Night Stand | 0 | (Private)
Roman Late Imperial Era | W.I.P | (Public) (Contribute if you like)
Rotten Family | W.I.P | (Private)
The Runt Son(Infantilism) | 0 | (Public)
A Sadistic Rapist's Adventure | 25 | (Public)
Samantha's Naughty Day | W.I.P. | public
Sasha Bozic | WIP | (Private)
Scars of Nimon(Gay Fantasy) | W.I.P | (W.I.P., Private)
The School Bus | 6 | (Private //Do Not Edit// ) | ( Check it out and give me feedback)
School Full'a Sluts | WIP | (<fontcolor="red">Private (WIP)
School Fun | 57 | (Public)
School Sluts | WIP | (Do Not Edit/ )
Der Schulleiter | 4 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/31/2014, only 4 pages.
Secrets | 15 | (Public)(Updated 12/19/2015)
Serenity | W.I.P | (Do not edit:) Last updated :26/03/2016 around 200+ pages ------ 1 story finished!
Sex Adventure | 49 | (W.I.P) (Do Not Edit)
Sex in Ancient Rome | 7 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/11/2014, only 7 pages.
Sex Ed | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
SexMaster 3000 | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Sex School | 0 | (Under construction) (Public-but any contributions with poor grammar will be immediately deleted)
Sex and other Addictions | 5 | (Private) | Pit watchlist, last edit 12/15/2013, only 5 pages.
Sex World | 149 | Public, but bad articles will be removed. PLEASE EDIT!
Sex Zombies | W.I.P. | (Do not edit)
The Sexual Adventures of You | 119 | (Public)
Sexual School | 1 | (Public)
Sexy Board Games | 0 | (Private)
Sexy World | 31 | (Do Not Edit)
A Shemale Adventure | WIP do not edit |
Shemale Fun | 204 | (Private), still under construction, but numerous complete endings
SHEMALE SORRORITY | 90 | (Public) Feel Free to Edit. Try to link together...
Shin Calibur | 9 | (Don't Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 2/9/2014, only 9 pages.
Shop assistant | (WIP) | (Public)
Short Bursts | Some? | Honestly, not sure what to call this. It is a WIP experiment right now. While I probably will put sexual content in it at some point, it is not a sex story. Again, not sure what it is...right now, the only existing bursts are horror.
Sibling Games | (WIP) | (Public) A sister convinces her brother to have sex - 1 ending
Silly Busty Girls | 12 | (Do Not Edit WIP)
Silver (bi/gay) | (WIP) | (Private)
The Simpsons | 0 | public
Sissies Adventure | public
Sissies love black cock | 150+ | (Public W.I.P)
Sissified & Enslaved | W.I.P | (Private)
sisters | 4 | (do not edit yet) | Pit watchlist, last edit 11/30/2013, only 4 pages.
Sister Complex | W.I.P | (Public - No guro)
Sisters Love | 20 | (private)
Sisters and other Victims | 51 | (Public)
The SKP Foundation | WIP | (WIP - Do not edit)
Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure | 4 | (Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 8/13/2013, only 4 pages.
Slasher | 20+ | (Public)
The Slave Mansion | 9 | (Public - Please edit)
Slaves Life | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Slave Market | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Slave to the Mist | 40+ | (Public)
Smutty Sex Romp | 18,291 | (Public-but any contributions with poor grammar will be immediately deleted)
The Slut | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
Slut Galaxy | WIP | (Private)
Slutty Life | WIP Do Not Edit | (Do Not Edit)
Snuff(Gay)(vore) | 101 | (Work In Progress) (Public)
SpaceShip5EX | 50 | (Work In Progress) (Do Not Edit)
Special Agent 0069 | 8 | (W.I.P. - Do Not Edit)
Sports day | 8 | (Work In Progress & Looking for contributors to story and sexual scenes. Check the edit tab for info.) (Public. Please come help out with the story! ) | New Submission 17th of July
Spy Satellite 3749. First Mission | 0 | private (under construction)
Soccerteam | 0 | public
Sonic Girls ENF | 246 | (Public Help me make this awesome!) | Read Discussion page on first page for important rules!
SSS | 15 | private
Stalker | 184 | (Public)
Stalking RHS Sluts | 184 | (Private.)
Star Girl Fighters Erotic Noval Diary: Stories Fantasy | 16 | (W.I.P DON'T EDIT)
Star Trek: Jadzia's Adventure | 81 | (Do Not Edit. Ask here if you would like to add)
Star Trek: A Night with Troi | 35 | (Public)
Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga | 2,288 | (Public)
Star Wars: Cynthia's legacy | 0 | (Private- Please do not edit.)]]
Stranded in the Wilderness | WIP | (Private)
Stranded on a Deserted Island | WIP. Specific editing rules | (Public)
Streaker | WIP | (Public)
The Story of Jack Foster | 341 | (Public)
Stupid sexy kids! | 95 | (Public!)
Summer Fun | W.I.P | ( Public )
Summer Party | 34 | (Public)
Super Power Fantasy | 14 | (Public)
Super Powered Exotic Life | 3 | (Public)
Super Sex Adventure | 2 | (Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last i 9/6/2013, only 2 pages.
Superhero? | 38 | (Public. Please Contribute/Edit ) | Updated July 23rd, 2014. 1 new page
Superheroines | W.I.P. | private
Supershifter | 14 | (Public)
Survive | 21 | (Public)
Survival Story | 65 | (Public)
Survival Z | 65 | (Public)
Swat Kats life of felina feral | 1 | (do not edit)
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Take the red pill | WIP | (Private)
Taken By Force | 28 | ( Seeking contributors to write other perspective stories, Read Contributors Rules Page before attempting any edits/additions )
The Birth | W.I.P. | (PUBLIC - Please add as you see fit)
The Slut | W.I.P | public
The Tale of Karibu Kanru | W.I.P. | Public | -Please help contribute by picking your favorite story lines
Tales of You | W.I.P | Public
Tarzan's Sexual Adventure | 1 | (public)
The Tease | 22 | (Public)
Teen Years | 36 | (Private)(Site Under Construction, access denied; additions will be removed)
Teenage life | 30 | (Public)
Teenager | 157 | (Public)
A Teenager's Life | 32 WIP | private | A series of different stories following different teenagers
Teenager's Life | 1 | (Public)
Temple of Jesenda | 0 | (Do Not Edit)
Temptation | 17 | (Do Not Edit)
Testing Facility #80085 | 25 | (Public)
The Dragon | 264 | Public |
Theme Park | 15 | (Private)
Things That Go Bump | W.I.P | (Please Do Not Edit)
Thirteen-Year-Old | 10 | (Private)(W.I.P)
This Is You(Gay) | 16 | (W.I.P)
This Story Will Piss You Off | 60 | (Public)
Three sisters | +170 WIP | (Private) | Constantly updated, view Tapdancingfish for details
Three sisters:Remastered | +170 WIP | (Private) | Constantly updated, view Tapdancingfish for details
Time for a Haircut | W.I.P | (private. do not edit. W.I.P.)
Time Sex | 0 | Public
Time Stop | W.I.P | (Please Do Not Edit)
The Time Lord | 13 | (Public)
Tink's Adventure | WIP | (Please, do not edit for the time being)
TnA | W.I.P | (Private DO NOT edit)
To Pee or not To Pee | 5 | private for now, please don't edit | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/4/2014, only 5 pages.
To Serve and Protect | (0) WIP | (Please don't add or edit anything but spelling mistakes, but your suggestions are welcome)
Too Graphic | 2 | Not sure if it is public or not right now...
Tori and the space creature | 10 | (Public, all additions welcome)
The Transformation Laboratory | 28 | (Public)
Tree of Doom | 40 | (Public)
The bet | WIP | private
The Tribe: Taking The Rite | WIP | (Private)
The Tribes of Istaria | 0 (WiP) | (Public)
Touhou | 0, Working on it | (Private)
Truth or Dare Game | 20 | (Public make it good)
Try Not To Pee | 5 | (Work in progress)
Try To Have Butt-Sex With Korra And Not Die! | 0 WIP | (Work in progress!)
The Town | 14 | (Public)
Twisted Family | 5 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 3/26/2014, only 5 pages.
Ty's Story | 146 | (Public)
Tyler the bunny's Escape from lust island | (work in progress.)
Ultimate Fanfiction | 22 | (Public)
A Unique Arrangement | WIP | (Public)
Une Fille Facile | WIP | (Do Not Edit)
University Daze | 727 | (Public)
Unlucky Girl | 16 | (Public, Please Edit)
Until Dawn X-Rated | WIP (50) | (Public, Please Edit)
Unwritten | 0 | (Public) - If you are unfamiliar with how to create/edit pages, please use the Pit of Abandoned Stories as training material.
Upwood High: First Day Fantasy | new | (Do Not Edit)
Vampire Weekend | 331 | (Public)
Verse | 22 | (WIP; Conditionally Public, please only contribute/edit if you're good friends with the English language.)
Victim | 332 | (Public)
Victorious: Behind the Scenes | 103 | (Public)(Please add pages!)
Victorious Secret Love | 10 | (Public)
Video Game Store | 0 | (Public)
Ventus' Discovery | WIP | (Do Not Edit )
Waifu Quest | 51 | (Private, W.I.P.)
Waking up in a Mansion | 26 | (Do Not Edit)
A Walk in the Woods | WIP | (Private)
Walt Jizzney's Magic Kingdom | 74 | (Public)
War and Sex | 248 | (Public)
Warped | 12 | (Public)
Washed Up | 1 | (Do Not Edit)
Welcome to the SS Farm | WIP | (No edit for now...)
What is going on | wip | (private but can edit typos)
Whatever you like | wip | (Private)
Whatever master wishes|wip |
Who are You? | 1 | (WIP)
Whore it Out | 121 | (Public)
The Whore House | 10 | (WIP, but please feel free to add)
Wife | 40 | (Public Cuckoldry, Wife, Gangbang, Blackmail, Public) (Updated 9/19)
Wife & Marriage | WIP | (Feel free to EDIT if you have good ideas for CUCKOLD story, but please follow the TEXT format)
Wish Coin | 100 | (Public)
Wishful Thinking | W.I.P. | (Private (Updated 9/16))
Wild Times | 33 | (Do not edit)
Wilson Aputsiaq | WIP | (Do Not Edit Yaoi, Boy Love, High School Setting)
Witch of Egypt | 18 | (Public - Please read the instructions on the first page, follow the guidelines or risk deletion!)
Witch's Power | 42 | (do not edit)
[Wizardry and Sex] | W.I.P | (Public Do NOT Edit, specifically for homosexual male, but others are more then welcome.)
Women At War | 0 |
Work Attire | 173 | (Public)
The World as We Know It | 0 | (Public)
The World Of Monster | 9 | (Please Do Not Edit) | Pit watchlist, last edit 12/11/2013, only 9 pages.
World of Wolves | 79 | (Public)
Wrestling X-rated | 32 | (Public)
Story | Number Of Pages | Notes
Xenomorph adventures | WIP | public please do not edit
XXX Sorority Sisters | 4 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/14/2014, only 4 pages.
Yakyuken Quest | 4 | ( W.I.P., Public, but please do not edit)
A Year of Humiliation | W.I.P. | (Private, Do Not Edit)
Yes, Yes, Yes, Your Honor | 261 | (Public)
Yggdrasil | WIP | (Private)
You Are An Orc | 674 | {Public, please read guidelines in the discussion}
You Disappear | 46 | (Public though please do not edit Female Under 18 8 branch
You Monster | WIP | (Do not edit!)
Your Destiny | WIP | (private)
Your Kingdom | 0 | Public
Young Love | 29 | (Under Construction Please Do Not Edit)
A Young Man's Life | WIP | (Under Construction)
Young Teen on her way home | 20 | (Under Construction)
Your Best Friend's Younger Sister | 190 | (Public - Use Proper Grammar Please)
Your Brother's Girlfriend | 16 | (Public) (You may edit but Keep the main characters)
Your Reality Ring | 9 | WIP (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 1/30/2014, only 1 page edited, rest last edited 12/17/2013, only 4 pages.
Your Queer Weekend Adventure | 20 | (Under Construction Please Do Not Edit)
Your Wild Day | 339 | (COMPLETE, but message if I missed a link)
Youth Pastor | 3 | (Public) (please add what you want, but leave the main characters) | Pit watchlist, last edit 3/27/2014, only 3 pages.
yugioh 5'D leo and luna's eventful summer | 1 | (font color="green">public) (please dont edit)
Zombie Rampage | 3 | (Public) | Pit watchlist, last edit 12/10/2013, only 3 pages.
The Zoo (Gay Furry) | 74 | (Public)