
From Create Your Own Story

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Everyone heads downstairs, Bianca is still super bouncy and bubbly and Cheren is little glum because I think he was hoping to-

Not important; your mother greets you as you get downstairs, "Hello, I was wondering what all that racket was upstairs but I can tell you've been battling with your new Pokemon!"

"Yes we're so sorry for the noise." Bianca says, "and the mess we made as well."

"Don't worry about the mess, I'm happy to clean that up myself." your mom replies.

"I think we actually damaged some of the furniture though." Cheren says, "Like, a Pokemon went through the TV, the mattress was destroyed."

"Don't worry about the mess, I'm happy to clean that up myself." your mom replies.

"Seriously, I think we should organise some compens-"

"Don't worry about the mess." your mom cuts off Cheren yet again, "So long as none of the Nintendo products were damaged it's fine." You never really understood your mom's loyalty to that brand, there are other manufacturers and other games consoles, in fact you've heard the Zony Zbox is quite good.

"More importantly though." Bianca says, "Shouldn't we go and thank Professor Juniper." You're not the only one that wants to leave. Cheren, Bianca and yourself apologise once more for the mess and then Cheren and Bianca leave.

Bianca says that she wants to check in with her parents first and Cheren says he plans to wait for you both at Professor Juniper's.

What do you want to do?

Talk to your Mom

Catch up with friends

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