User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime/Teejay's Talk

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You're doing fine with the organizing, and you can move +Infinity to the I's if you want. -- Teejay

To be honest, I haven't yet looked into your story. So I have no basis for an opinion. I will, however, look into it soon. I note that ArthurKung likes it, and he's usually a pretty good judge. -- Teejay

I haven't read any of the story yet, but read your informational page. First off, I'm very sorry about the bad things that have actually happened to you, and I hope your life turns out better in the future. Second, I'm happy you've had some fun and good experiences as well, and I hope you have more of them. -- Teejay

OK, I've read what you have so far (I read very fast.) I'm quite impressed. You're an excellent writer. -- Teejay

Thanks for the heads-up. Like I said, I'm just sorry that all those negative things happened to you. I know you don't want sympathy, but I will say that I hope from now on your life is filled with goodness, light, and a loving partner who cares about you. And that you have lots of loving, tender, consensual, enjoyable sexual experiences. -- Teejay

I have seen some of the elements from your blog appear. I haven't done much additional commenting on it, but what is there to say that I haven't said already? I wish I could erase some of the really horrible stuff that happened to you, and I hope your husband is always warm and loving and kind and ensures you enjoy sweet, tender sex. (Women/girls being abused always has been a trigger of powerful emotions in me: anger at the abuser, and deep sorrow and an urge to comfort the woman who has been abused.) -- Teejay

Nothing you haven't already heard. You're a very skilled writer and I'm enjoying your developing story. -- Teejay

Been there... just try to relax. Maybe read a different story for a few minutes to take your conscious mind off it, then when you feel inspired, return to the story... -- Teejay

No, I actually was offline for a couple of days. It wasn't your imagination. I'll poke around your story and check out the new links. -- Teejay

I like Prank War. It's a cute little story and reminds me of being back in middle school. -- Teejay

I think you're doing a great job so far. I like the fact you take your time and post well-written stories. -- Teejay

You'd get warnings and stuff first if anyone was thinking of banning you... which they're not. Don't sweat it. You're a good writer and great about following the rules. -- Teejay

This website's been known to have the occasional issue. -- Teejay

Just spotted a comment you made. Congratulations on your baby boy. -- Teejay

I have two young 'uns myself, they're now 10 and 5 years old. It's amazing how quickly they steal your heart. The instant they're born and the doc puts them in your arms and they smile, it's over... you're wrapped around their finger. Best of luck to you and your husband and I hope your son grows up to be happy and successful. -- Teejay

What exactly do you want me to say? You didn't ask a question. You made an observation. It's probably true. But it didn't seem like you were expecting a response. :) -- Teejay

No problem. :) I'm always ready to listen and offer emotional support. -- Teejay

Still thinking about your new story. It's different from what I usually write. I'll try to come up with something soon. -- Teejay

I'm the same way. I don't come up with original ideas, but I expand on ones others have. -- Teejay

That was my character being "mild", kind of dipping a toe into the exhibitionist waters, being certain that at least on the first time barring something crazy you won't get arrested or raped or killed. -- Teejay

And once you had me tied to the bed, what would you do? :) -- Teejay

You do know me well. :) -- Teejay

The new, fully grown female character I just introduced has B-cup breasts. See, some of us actually do listen when you talk. :) -- Teejay

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