Chelsie Mall Towel: Shoes and socks

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Condition Enjoying herself Apparel and Items: Large Bath Towel, Purse
Day, Time Saturday, 8:03am
Need to Use the Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation

"My feet are cold. I think I'll sort my footwear out first."

Good girl. Straight for the nudity.

"I beg to differ. It's purely for my comfort; I don't want to catch a cold. Besides, it's risqué enough that I'll get something else to wear."

The silence that answered that was ominous. Chelsie smoothed back her hair and told herself that it didn't matter; she was in charge here, and she would determine what was risqué, not the voice. If the voice told her not to get any other items... well, she might listen if the idea of being naked for a little longer appealed to her. But it would be her choice, she was sure of it.

She moved through the mall which, apart from a few elderly power walkers and slow moving shoppers, was empty. As she approached the sports store, with it's big, wide windows and sparse wracks of clothing, she hesitated. Not because of how exposed she would be in the store, but because of the prices. On one wall of sneakers marked 'discount' she could see prices of $70 and over! She looked into her purse and knew that if she over-spent on the shoes she wouldn't have enough for anything else; and in her current state of dress that could prove disastrous.

Chelsie had some familiarity with the mall, so she decided her best bet would be the used goods store near the back of the mall. It was out of the way of the main entrance and received only a little foot traffic, but it sold all sorts of stuff that people didn't want anymore; CD's, books, and more importantly for her, clothes. That it was in a quiet area of the mall was a benefit for our towel-clad heroine.

She made her way quickly through the quiet hallways of the mall to the little store. It was mercifully empty, but for the old woman standing behind the counter.

"Excuse me, are you open?" Chelsie asked.

"Oh? Oh yes dear, I think so... is it eight o' clock yet?"

Chelsie looked at the rather large clock that hung from the wall. "That says it's ten past."

"Heh, silly me. Forgot my glasses this morning; can't see a thing. But yes, if it's after eight then we're open."

Chelsie nodded, then quickly set about looking around the store. She quickly located a basket full of socks, and a modest selection of women's shoes.

"Used socks?" she muttered to herself. "Disgusting."

"My hearing is good, though." the old woman said from across the store. "Don't worry dear, we launder everything we buy before re-selling it. Everything is clean."

Chelsie gave her thanks, and picked up a pair of white socks with a pink, lacy trim at the ankle. She scanned the shoes, but there was only one pair that was her size; a set of red heels. She took these over to the counter, and the old woman informed her of the price; about twenty dollars for the lot.

"Is there somewhere I can put these on?" Chelsie asked after she'd paid. "I'd like to wear them out."

"We do, yes dearie." the woman pointed towards the men's section. "There's a bench behind the rack of coats, there. You can sit there while you change shoes."

"Thanks." Chelsie replied.

She made her way behind the rack of coats. This corner of the store was hidden from the windows facing the mall, meaning that she could only been seen if somebody came back here. She sat down on the bench, lifted one of her feet up and slipped on one of the socks. She repeated it with the other foot, and gave a sigh of relief. The cool, stone tiles of the mall had been cold against her bare feet. She reached down for the shoes.

Hold on there. the voice interrupted. What do you think you're doing?

"Putting my shoes on." Chelsie said inside her head.

No no, I said two items of clothing, including the towel. Putting on the shoes means you're wearing three things. Towel first, missie.

Chelsie's heart began to thump. Cautiously she got to her feet and crept over to the rack of coats. She peered around it, making sure that the store was empty. Other than the blind old woman, it was. She moved back to the bench.

"Okay, here goes."

She pulled at the knot which held the towel in place. It fell downwards, pooling on the floor in a white puddle. Wearing nothing but a pair of socks, Chelsie sat down on the bench - the stiff leather pinched at her bare behind - and picked up her red heels. She slipped them on with ease, and rested her feet on the ground. She sat there breathing heavily, waiting for somebody to stumble upon her.

After a few minutes she realised nobody was coming.

"Okay, that's daring enough." she told herself. "Time to get my towel back on."

You think it's risqué to sit at the back of an empty store? the voice demanded. Because I don't. I don't agree to this.

"What do you want me to do, streak the mall? I want to be naughty, not get arrested."

I have an idea. the voice replied. Chelsie felt the cold chill of doubt in her stomach. This wasn't going to be good. The old woman is blind as a bat. She probably thought your towel was a dress or something.


So here's the deal. You go up to that counter and you sell the towel to the old lady. It's a used goods store, after all. Whatever money you get for it you can spend it on any item in this store that you want.

"If I go up there naked she'll be able to see that, surely!"

Use the towel until you reach the counter. Then... improvise.

Chelsie took a deep breath. At the moment, things were well and truly in her control. She had the towel, she had money; she could get dressed and leave, or she could get dressed and buy an outfit. The voice didn't control her.

And yet...

She bit her lip. This did seem very daring. Exciting, even. The store was empty, the old woman was blind... she could do this, right? Everything was still in her control.

Chelsie Mall Used Store: She agrees to the plan.

Chelsie Mall Used Store: She ignores the voice and puts the towel back on.

Chelsie Mall Used Store: She is interrupted by the arrival of a male shopper.

Chelsie Mall Used Store: Feeling adventurous, she leaves the towel behind and tries to sneak out of the store.

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