User talk:LookIdidNotMean2VandalismIamNewRemember

From Create Your Own Story

Its me H0rniWr1t3r I am really sorry about vandalizing, I do not know how to appropriately post comments. I am new here so I am guessing just post on my page because platypus said I was vandalizing? sorry. User:H0rniWr1t3r

please get back to me soon.

If you don't want to be banned, you need to learn to play by the rules.

Rule 1: if an author asks that you don't post in their story, that's it. You don't post in that author's story. I am the author of Smutty Sex Romp & Rampage. Both stories warn that anything written with poor grammar will be deleted. I was actually considering how I could edit your work into something worth saving, but then I asked you to stop posting. You flipped out and vandalized my personal page like an angry toddler. Then, and only then, did I delete anything. And if you think I let just anyone post in my stories, you're very wrong.

Rule 2: If you start your own story, grammatical standards are entirely up to you! Other people may edit your story, but if you don't like it, in your own story, you're the boss.

Now, if you can play nice, you can stay. If you commit further acts of vandalism, you're gone. --Platypus 20:57, 27 March 2016 (UTC)

Dirty Me's talk

Hmm, maybe I can help a little.

1. Let me ask you, how would you feel if someone took a story you worked on and started posting stuff that you could not accept? This is what Platypus is saying, that the story you contributed to was his story, and he did not find it worked with his story. And honestly, I had looked at your edits. Most of them was mistakes you should be able to identify. End sentences with a period (.), start sentences with a capital letter. I live in a country where English is no one's native language, but everyone who uses it understands this. You just need to pay attention.

2. You state something about appropriately posting comments. Do you really think that is why he banned you? This is a wiki, unless a page is actually deleted, all changes can be tracked, and if you go to Special:RecentChanges, you will see all the recent changes. Plus, you can look at the page history and see what was changed. When you posted on User:Platypus, the changes were still shown. Just because you deleted the changes doesn't mean no one could see them.

Want me to copy and paste the exact things you wrote on his user page? Does loser, parent's basement, script kiddie, mean anything to you? You say you don't know how you vandalized his page, and act like it is because you posted a comment. Do you still want to state that, knowing that every change you made can be checked?

Besides, let me ask you something, is changing a user page like that really very mature? You were trying to post in an adult story, then acting like a child because you were asked to stop. Arguing is one thing, but:

I'm a faggot ass nigger! who does not know what to do in life because I am a jobless loser who stays at home correcting peoples grammar and policing them about what they can and cannot do. At least I have a nice life in my parents basement, ugh I am such a loser :( :( :

seems more like something I would expect from someone in Jr. high school, which is not someone who should even be reading that story, let alone adding to it.

I did not know you can see that I though I was the only one able to see what I did I tried deleting it and replaced it but you still got mad, I really did not mean to offend you or anything but I was doing this for a joke it was only ment for me to read remember I am new to this site. User:H0rniWr1t3r

Its funny that you called me an immature child and I did not even know you would be able to see that. I changed the page because it was a joke for only me to see that's why I deleted it. You really think someone like me has it easy I struggle with bipolar, severe borderline personality disorder,asd,ocd,schizophrenia,pstd,anxiety, depression, multiple personality disorder, grew up in another country and had to switch everything, got kicked out of the house when I was 18 cause I am bisexual, Not to mention I been abused as a child and I am studying penetration testing and I cannot screw up because I am trying to get a job my life is not easy and now I am thinking of committing suicide thanks to you because you crushed my hobby of writing I know I suck but I can at least pretend I am worth something. I think I am strong and continuing to grow do to what I go through! Its funny I called you a noob in IT but really I think I am the noob :( I guess I am not due to the fact my team says I am the best one there. The fact I am still standing loads of medication which is making me feel numb and queasy due to the crap side effects.User:H0rniWr1t3r

Everyone always hates everything I do and I hate myself, If I do not post back I will be dead.User:H0rniWr1t3r

So, I hope this has clarified a little for you what the problem is. Yes, Platypus can be a bear with a sore tooth sometimes, but don't you think you went overboard? --Dirty Me 01:37, 28 March 2016 (UTC)

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