Piggy's Day/Go mad with fear

From Create Your Own Story

< Piggy's Day
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Piggy: "WAAAAAAH!11!111! !11!1111"

Captain: "CALM DOWN, PIGGY!"

Piggy: "I don't wanna!"

Just then, a bunch of soldiers rush inside through the hole in the ceiling.

Soldier: "Get down on the ground or we'll shoot!"

Piggy: "I don't wanna!"

You proceed to punch the armed soldiers in the face, and escape through the hole into an open area. You find yourself on an open field, with a gray, cloudy sky and muddy wastelands all around. There's a pothole in front of you with people tied up.

Piggy: "What the..."

The soldiers come after you, and you run away. Then you trip over on a tree stump, and fall face first into the mud. Rising from the mud, you see a mirror in front of you, and looking back from the mirror is Adolf Hitler.

Piggy: "Well this can't be good."

The soldiers come over and shoot you. What happened here was, you entered a fear machine. After the door closed behind you, the fear machine started creating scary scenarios. In this case, it simulated the experience of being a nazi in a bunker with allied soldiers rushing in. The machine's fear effect on you halted after you went insane. In order to stop you from really escaping, the machine then had to kill you.


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