Piggy's Day/One second too late

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< Piggy's Day
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John rushes to push Swine away from you, but it's too late, and the two of you already fizzed away to the fifth dimension.

Piggy: "Good call, Swine. I need to go into hiding for some time. Do you know some place where John would never think of looking?"

Swine: "Wa-ay ahead of you. I've asked around his neighbours, and someone told me John's been banned from ever entering The Republic of New South Wales, for severely damaging the famous Sydney Opera House."

Piggy: "Good, let's go home and I can book a flight to Sydney."

The fifth dimension is somewhat paraller to ours. Any time traveller from Piggy's world will reach this place. Normal time machines can only go through the fourth dimension, and therefore need a solid point, aka. another time machine to travel into the past. It's possible to freely move around the fifth dimension, and then return to the correlating point in your world. This way Piggy and Swine are able to escape from John's house without risking running into him again. You appear the next morning in downtown Los Angeles, and book a flight to Sydney.

You arrive in Sydney at 4:20 local time. Now being able to relax, you head off to the beach and pick a beach chair. It's winter in New South Wales, but the weather is nevertheless nice and warm. You turn to one side, resting your head on your hands. However, right as you begin to get comfortable, you hear a voice behind you.

Voice: "Hey, wake up, Piggy!"

You turn your side and take a good look at the person disturbing you, and after a brief consideration notice that it is, in fact, a band of four other Piggy's.

Piggy: "Wh-W-What is the meaning on this!?"

One of the Piggies tells you:

Piggie 1: "Piggy, we believe that something very strange has happened."

Another Piggy, wearing a black pirate hat says:

Piggie 2: "Tell me, how did you end up in here?"

Piggie: "Uuhh... I'm on the run from John Timberman, and booked a flight to Australia."

Piggie 1: "I jumped from a spaceship into the ocean."

Piggie 2: "A genie in a bottle transported me here.

Piggie 3: "I fell into the University of Sydney's vaccuum chamber through a crack in the reality."

Piggie 4: "I escaped that same crack in reality with the police commander."

Piggie 2: "You see, all of us have been able to track exactly what brought us to these situations, and found that all of us, except for me, started about two days ago in your house. Ever since, different choises have separated our paths, only to meet again here. Me and Piggie 1 were the first to meet, and started looking for others."

Piggie: "Wow, this is very strange."

Piggie 1: "Let's go, there might still be more Piggies in here."

Piggie: "Right, I'll join you then. Call me Piggie 5."

Together with your duplicates, you scour the beach for more Piggies, to no avail. You then start traversing the city's streets, and soon enough, you find a corner where you see a two Piggies, one standing still on the other side of the street, and another one walking away from you.

Piggie 2: Let's split up. Half of us go and chase down that other Piggy, and half of us stay here and see what that other Piggy is doing.

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