Stand his ground?

From Create Your Own Story

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You surprised to see William holding his ground, you've only ever known him as a cowardly man not one to take a stand but rather stab others in the back and abuse the systems put in place.

"Thank you for the change of pace, William. I am quite grateful that you have bought yourself a spine. Regardless, for quite some time you have avoided my father's collectors. The time has come to pay your debt." Taking a step forward already your hand has dropped to your hip, firmly grasping the hilt of your steel sword.

"Yes, it is. It is time to pay a debt. You father has been draining HIS people for years, sucking the blood of the land till it will rot." William's hand also falls to the hilt of a small dagger at his side though its no compare to the sword you wield. This is far to strange for you, William has never stood up to anyone before, it is not like him to take a stand, something is biting at you about all of this, then you spot a scuffling from the side doors of the room as to burly men make their way into the room, both wielding heavy spiked clubs.

"That explains a lot. You can only face your accuser if others will stand before you, have you no honor William?"

"Who needs honor when one has wealth, and those willing to defend me for a portion of it? Now, take him."

Clubs ready to strike the two men come at you, evil intent in their eyes. It doesn't look good for you, these men are massive, one decent hit could dislocate an arm.

You could rush them, take the two large men by surprise with lighting strikes but one wrong slip would leave you in a dangerous position. On the other hand you could play to your strengths and keep your movements light and wait for the right moment to strike.

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