Get a good night's sleep and inquire at the local police station the next morning

From Create Your Own Story

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After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, you head down to the local police station, hoping to find out more about these mysterious disappearances. The police are completely unhelpful, however. You wonder if it's because they don't know anything or because they don't want YOU to know anything. You suspect it's the latter. With a sigh, you exit the building.

"Those guys were no help, huh?" says a voice.

You turn. The man is clearly a native, although he was speaking English. You answer in Spanish. "Who are you?"

He responds in his native tongue. "My name is Eduardo. I heard you asking about those missing tourists. The cops know more than they're letting on, but they won't share that information with outsiders. Now, myself, on the other hand...I can help you find what you seek."

You look at him suspiciously. "How much do you want?"

He smiles. "Tell you what. I'll take you to the place you want to see. If we find the missing tourists, then we can talk about payment. If we don't find them, I won't charge you anything. Does that sound fair?"

You are still suspicious of Eduardo. Something doesn't seem quite right about him. On the other hand, you don't have any other leads, and as you compare his body to yours, you're sure you can overpower him if he tries anything stupid.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

A light backpack with essential supplies

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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