He declares you guilty of witchcraft and decides on another punishment

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Status: Naked, trapped, and scared

"I declare her guilty of witchcraft!" The Baron shouts. The group of peasants cheer. You scream as they rush in and roughly grab you, hands groping your body all over.

"Silence!" The Baron commands. The peasants fall quiet as they look at their leader, though many of them continue to grope your breasts and ass.

"She may be a witch but I propose a new method of dealing with her. She fell into witchcraft through making a deal with the devil. Perhaps it is possible to purify her."

The peasants mumble among themselves in discontentment. They were really looking forward to burning you at the stake. You stiffen as you feel someone behind you push a finger into your vagina.

"Yes, She shall be purified with the miracle of sex! By being filled with the seed of righteous god fearing men her own bond with the devil may be broken! Bring forth the pillory!"

The peasants cheer as they carry you to the center of town, where a large set of stocks awaits. You struggle but it is useless as you are manhandled into place. The stocks lock down around your head and hands, causing you to bend over forward, your legs spread open and your ass stuck out.

"My Lord, are you sure this will work?" You see a monk questioning the Baron as he takes off his chainmail.

"I am hoping it does good monk. But if it doesn't there's always the stake. Besides, it is no sin to rape an enemy of God. And it will held slack the lust of the peasants to fuck a women as beautiful as this."

You finally find your voice as the Baron approaches behind you and you feel his erection resting on your ass as his hands spread you.

"Please stop! I'm not a witch! Let me go!"

"Silence witch!" The Baron shouts. "You have sinned against God and now these good men and myself are trying to save your soul. Be grateful. Now prepare to accept my seed."

The Baron thrusts forward as the peasant crowd cheers, spearing your pussy to the hilt. You see the ones in front of you eyes fill with lust as they watch you getting fucked in the middle of the square, knowing that at some point they too will violate you.

"Ugh. She's a good fuck men! Enjoy yourself with this witch harlot!"

You feel warmth as the Baron cums inside you.

"I'm done. Do your best to save this sinner!"

The peasants cheer before descending upon you. For the next few hours they violate your pussy and ass and also force you to suck an unending number of cocks. Some take purifying you seriously, wanting to save you as they violate you. Others laugh evilly and whisper horrible things into your ears as the eagerly rape your defenseless entrance. The women of the town look on as their men 'purify' you. They shout insults, calling you whore, harlot, and many other unkind things. A few laugh to see your suffering and they make fun of your body out of envy. A scribe sits nearby making a note of how many men ejaculate inside you or on you to the best of his ability. That is, when he's not fucking you himself.

Around you, they talk of keeping you like this for a whole week.

Your mind has become detached after so much fucking and constant orgasms, but surely you won't be here that long. Your bracelet will take you back long before then.

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