Examine the security screens

From Create Your Own Story

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You step closer to the screens and inspect them. Each flashes between the views of several cameras in a loop. The first shows scenes of the empty house around you. Not much information can be gleaned from them except to confirm that the layout of the building matches your expectations from training. By all appearances, it is an average suburban home. It is fully furnished, and would appear completely boring to anyone who might wander in from the outside world.

The second screen shows the viewpoints of the exterior cameras. You watch the odd green night vision footage of the quiet neighborhood. The only thing moving is a raccoon digging at something beside the next door neighbor's garage. You check the time printed in the top-right corner. It's 3:18 in the morning.

The third screen is a steady shot of what you know to be the docking bay for the aquifer deep underground. One port is occupied by a small submersible. The other was left vacant when your training cell (Mother, Master, and Teacher) left less than an hour ago.

The fourth shows scenes from the compound. First, you see your empty cell, and each of the main halls where you lived for 18 years prior to today. Your pulse raises as the camera switches to show a pure white cell containing only a bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed is a beautiful blonde. She is fully nude save for the long hair cascading down over her breasts to touch the tops of her slender thighs. She is looking directly into the camera, and your eyes lock onto hers until she disappears with the view change. Her image is replaced by a similar scene. This time, however, a brunette kneels on the end of the bed. Her hair falls behind her shoulders. Her hourglass figure is laid bare to your ravenous eyes. Her body calls to you with every curve. Your heart sinks as the screen once again shows you an image of your own lonely cell.

You remember that you can easily choose whichever view pleases you. From experience, you know that the cameras can be pointed in any direction, and that an intercom links this terminal with every room in the compound.

Do you:

View the blonde again

View the brunette again

Leave the terminal

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