You never get free.

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked, gagged, tied to a tree

As soon as the miscreant is out of your sight, you start frantically, desperately, struggling, tugging at your bonds with all your might.

You struggle until you are too tired to continue. Then you lean your head back against the tree. You close your eyes for a few seconds. Eventually, you open them and look around.

The woods are thick and dark, even though it is the middle of the day. The trees disappear into the distance, seeming to get thicker as they do so. Under your feet is nothing but leaves and twigs. You listen to the woods around you. Although you spend quite some time listening as hard as you can, you hear no sounds of any people, that is if you don't count your own labored breathing and your occasional sob. There are no other sounds to indicate any people are out here other than you.

Nonetheless, you try to call out. You try to say Hello? but all you can manage from your gagged mouth is something that sounds like, "hhnnu?" Even so, you listen for a reply. You hear nothing.

You try to say, Can anyone hear me? but it comes out "Mmnfh hnmunhfh hhhnh mmfh?"

Once again, you hear no reply.

You try to scream Help! as loud as you can, but you only manage, "Hmnfpfh!"

Again, there is no reply. You are totally alone out here.

You start to cry, and don't stop until you run out of tears.

These three activities -- struggling futilely with your tight bonds, calling through your gag for help to people who aren't there, and crying at the repeated failure of the only two things you can do to try to get free -- become the sum of your existence. When you are not struggling, calling for help, or crying, you are slumped, too tired to do anything. What little sleep you manage to get in your terrified state does not refresh you, and you are soon exhausted. The only thing that drives you to continue to try to escape from your predicament is a fervent desire to live.

You very quickly lose track of time. It means nothing to you right now, after all. You are vaguely aware when night falls for the first time, and then when daylight comes, and then when it passes into night. You can't see more than a few feet in the dark, but you can't see the rope you are struggling with, either, and you mainly continue to call out for help out of a defiant hope.

As the time passes and you weaken from hunger, thirst, and exhaustion, your struggles and attempts to call for help become less and less frequent, and you aren't able to put as much effort into them. As well as losing track of time, you have lost track of when you last ate. Your body is crying out for food, but of course, you can do nothing about it.

Eventually, you sink into unconsciousness. Death comes soon after that.

Your body is not discovered for several years. By then, so little is left that the finest experts in the state can't identify you; in fact, they can't even tell if you were a man or a woman.

Your murder is never solved, and the miscreant continues to rape and murder women in the area for years.


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