TPM(HP): She punches you in the mouth.

From Create Your Own Story

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The girl's fist smashes into your mouth, rage and hate lending her enough strength to knock you to one knee. She yowls with pain and stumbles back clutching her hand, if you're lucky she might have broken something. She looks around for something to use as a weapon as you shake your head to clear it. With a snarl, you reach through the force and pin her to the wall.
"Brave of you, girl," you growl as you wipe a smear of blood from the corner of your mouth, "But I'd thought you'd had your fill of fun back in the throne room."
You apply just a hint of pressure to your telekinetic grip on her throat, making her eyes bulge as she realizes how easy it would be for you to snap her head off completely.
You move in closer, it would seem another lesson is called for. Then again, you've wasted enough time with this little whore, you need to get down to business.
What do you do?

TPM:Choke the little bitch into unconsciousness, then tie her up. You can come back for her later.
TPM:Crush her throat, finish her off once and for all!

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Maul
The Phantom Menace

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