Big Cock Fun - Don't spoil the surprise.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:14, 21 December 2015 by A1zephon (Talk | contribs)

You don't have to wait long before someone else comes into view. At first the person is hard to make out, but soon it's obvious that that is no woman your father is meeting here. And it only takes a few more seconds before you realize who that guy is. Your father hasn't noticed him yet, but when Dante puts one of his big hands on his ass, while he is still bent over, he backs off surprised.

"Gotta tell you, the pictures don't do your ass any justice. Looks way better in the flesh. I'm Dante, glad you came."

"Thanks, Dante. You can call me Vince. You're ... bigger than I expected."

"Well, then you should wait until you've seen my dick." Dante is grinning at your dad and after a moment, your father returns the smile.

"Guess I did come to see it live. Still can't believe it, though ..."

"Know the feeling. Before today, I wasn't interested in a guy's ass either, but here we are. Speaking of which, why don't you turn around and give me another look at that hot ass? Once I'm hard, you can check out my tool all you want." He slips off his overall and stands there in his tight boxer shorts, a big bulge already showing, though you know it'll still grow significantly bigger. And your father has a look of mild shock on his face and he gulps hard.

"Just how big are you?!"

"Let me play with your ass and you'll soon see. And feel." He adds smugly.

Hesitantly your dad turns around and Dante gets behind him. He gently pushes your father's shoulder, making him bend over against a nearby tree, which makes his butt stick out more. Dante keeps one hand on the shoulder, the other slowly tracing down the back of your dad, only stopping when his hand reaches the meaty mounds, covered in compression shorts. His hand circles across the round buttocks and he begins to squeeze them carefully. The bulge in his shorts is getting steadily larger. Your dad's mouth drops slightly open.

"This feels ... nice. Your hands are so big and hard ..." This is getting just slightly short of surreal for you. Here is your dad, getting felt up by another guy and apparently enjoying it. The same man that fucked you earlier today. Though this doesn't keep you from getting horny. Maybe quite the opposite.

"You like that? Let me give you something else that'll feel even better." For now, Dante had been standing slightly to side of your dad, but now he takes his place right behind him and grabbing both shoulders to keep Vincent in check. Your father looks a little bit worried, though, but that doesn't stop Dante from rubbing his dick over his ass, especially his crack. By now his boxers are barely containing Dante's cock anymore and cling to him like a second skin.

"Man, your ass is hot, feels really good on my dick. Might even be better than the one I had earlier." You ignore that last part stubbornly.

"Your dick feels so big and I can't believe I'm letting you use me like that ..."

"Feels good, though, right?"

"... Yeah ... it does."

"Maybe you'd like to see it now?" Dante suggests, smiling excitedly. "Or would you like me to pound your ass a little like this first?"

You see Vincent looking back over his shoulder and taking in the fact that there is a big, buff man behind him that is just two layers of thin fabric away from fucking him up the ass. You see doubt in his eyes and think that he might break it off any second, but catches you off-guard when he starts to smile again.

"Give it to me. I'm here to try things, after all."

"Better hold onto the tree then, I'm gonna pound you off your feet." Excited, Dante grabs your father's hips and slams his waist against the ass in front of him, he quickly picks up the pace and alternates the pounding with hotdogging his cock between the firm buttocks. The slapping sounds are getting really loud and your dad starts to whimper under the onslaught of the fat dick on his butt.

"Ugh, I think ... damn, I'm coming." Dante groans loudly, while sliding his covered dick through your dad's crack and buries it as firmly between the globes as he can and bucks violently while shooting thick wads of semen on Vincent's back, on the shorts and spreading it in the crack, the boxer shorts doing little to contain the flood. Dante then uses his hand to massage Vincent's hole through both layers and slicking it up with cum.

"Oh, yeah ... keep prodding my ... hole ... so hot ... I ... I'm ... ugh ..." And your dad unloads his cum in his shorts with forceful thrusts, bucking against Dante's cock, driving his cock harder into his hole. Both men stand there, breathing hard, trying to relax, Dante hugging your dad from behind and still grinding his waist. After a while, though, they get up and stand there facing each other, at first at a loss for words, before your father speaks up again.

"That was ... intense ... Don't know what came over me, with you pounding me ..."

"Well, you certainly enjoyed yourself, isn't that all that matters? I sure did, though I didn't plan to come like that."

"I guess so ... Your dick looks so huge ...'""

"Too bad, you didn't see it completely hard ..."

"It was still bigger?!"

"Sure, I just came, didn't I? If you wanna see it again, I need a moment. Unless ..."

"Unless, what?" A big smile appeared on Dante's face, but your father looked skeptical again.

"Well ... If you helped me, it would grow faster, of course."

"I ... that's ... look, I did more than I planned to already, I don't think I'm comfortable with going even further ..."

"But you enjoyed it, didn't you?" Pointing at his compression shorts. "And besides, you came here to see my fat dick up close, maybe touch it anyway. So why don't you get on your knees, open that mouth of yours and let me do the rest? You can close your eyes if that helps ..." Your dad might have gotten out of it, if he had resisted now, but he just stood there, not sure what to say and that was more than the hunk before him needed to take the initiative and he closed in on your dad.

Do you let them continue like that?

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