Dei Alien Privateer, fighting the Dyteer Party and the Rebels

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"Turn the killercraft left, I think I just saw a human." says Privateer Captain Quel'tha. (obviously the Dei are not speaking English, but unfortunatly I am not a master in their language and must resort to writing in the King's English)

"Aye, Aye, sir." you say, and turn the control wheel left, over the woods.

Your killercraft hovers over the woods, searching for human scum. Suddenly, you spot a human camp. But something is off, the tents are burning. One group of humans is retreating back into the woods, while the other is moving into the camp and shooting at the camp's orriginal inhabitants. The attacking group of humans suceeds and now occupies the camp.

"Navigator Rik'lij (by which he means you) turn off the cloaking device and commence firing." says the captain.

You nod and flip a switch. The ship is now visible to the naked eye.

"FIRE MAIN GUN!!" you shout down hallway.

"FIRING MAIN GUN!!" shouts a voice back at you.

Through the observation window, you see the group of human being pelted by your ship's main machine gun. One of the bullets finds its mark and hits a human. The human fall backward on the ground motionless. Suddenly, you feel your ship get rocked violently.

"Rocket launcher!" shouts your captain.

"We've lost turbine 2, spinning out, Engineer Iop'Hui dead." says a voice on the ship's radio.

"Navigator Rik'lij! Find somewhere where we can set the ship down! NOW!!!" yells the captain over the noise of the ship's alarms.

You steer the ship to a small meadow a fair distance away from the camp. The landing was rough, but you survived. You walk out of the ship and step outside. The captain and 5 other members of the crew are already in the meadow.

"Queen help us, the humans won't find the crash site." says the captain.

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