To swim through the opening

From Create Your Own Story

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No fucking way are you going back up now. You're committed.

The last rung is about three feet above the water surface. The water was cold, really cold.

Maybe its not deep, maybe its endlessly deep. You've no idea.

You decide its safest to jump in with your knees bent and see what happens, just in case it's shallow. Your arms are too tired to try to lower yourself in.

"One, two, three... damn it!" You chickened out.

You're starting to get cold on the ladder.

"I gotta go now before i get too cold to swim at all," you reason.

"Fuck it." you push out and let go.

You disappear below the surface and there's no bottom. You're relieved it's not a slimy bottom, but suddenly terrified of the black seemingly unending depth.

You quickly surface and are gasping. Terrified, you resolutely swim for the gap and into the tunnel.

Clothing nude Health:

female virgin

SexTimes 0
Personality shy and lack confidence
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